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Pegasus Spyware Targeted iPhones of Journalists and Activists in Jordan

The iPhones belonging to nearly three dozen journalists, activists, human rights lawyers, and civil society members in Jordan have been targeted with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware, according to joint findings from Access Now and the Citizen Lab. Nine of the 35 individuals have been publicly confirmed as targeted, out of whom six had their devices […]

GoldenJackal: New Threat Group Targeting Middle Eastern and South Asian Governments

Government and diplomatic entities in the Middle East and South Asia are the target of a new advanced persistent threat actor named GoldenJackal. Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, which has been keeping tabs on the group’s activities since mid-2020, characterized the adversary as both capable and stealthy. The targeting scope of the campaign is focused on […]

Hackers Exploiting 5-year-old Unpatched Vulnerability in TBK DVR Devices

Threat actors are actively exploiting an unpatched five-year-old flaw impacting TBK digital video recording (DVR) devices, according to an advisory issued by Fortinet FortiGuard Labs. The vulnerability in question is CVE-2018-9995 (CVSS score: 9.8), a critical authentication bypass issue that could be exploited by remote actors to gain elevated permissions. “The 5-year-old vulnerability (CVE-2018-9995) is […]

Armenian Entities Hit by New Version of OxtaRAT Spying Tool

Entities in Armenia have come under a cyber attack using an updated version of a backdoor called OxtaRAT that allows remote access and desktop surveillance. “The tool capabilities include searching for and exfiltrating files from the infected machine, recording the video from the web camera and desktop, remotely controlling the compromised machine with TightVNC, installing […]

State-Backed Hackers Targeting Journalists in Widespread Espionage Campaigns

Nation-state hacking groups aligned with China, Iran, North Korea, and Turkey have been targeting journalists to conduct espionage and spread malware as part of a series of campaigns since early 2021. “Most commonly, phishing attacks targeting journalists are used for espionage or to gain key insights into the inner workings of another government, company, or […]

Edward Snowden urges users to stop using ExpressVPN

Edward Snowden Urging All to Avoid ExpressVPN After its CIO Named in UAE Surveillance Scandal. Last week, reported on a billion-dollar deal in which ExpressVPN was bought off by Kape, an Israeli cyber security company raising privacy concerns among its users. Now, in a recent tweet, the former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has warned users […]

The 5 Best and Secure Facial Recognition Tools

Over the years there have been several well-documented issues with facial recognition technology, such as inaccuracy when detecting people from different cultural backgrounds, privacy concerns, and the fear of the technology making a mistake and resulting in wrongful convictions of individuals. Those developing software tools have taken heed of the mistakes of the past and […]

480.1 million mobile VPN downloaded worldwide in 12 months

VPN Report 2019 reveals a 54% growth rate. Over the years, we’ve seen the global populace move towards more security consciousness. This has been reflected among the increased scrutiny of social media platforms and other entities which in any way hold access to our data. As such, it is only natural that with the recently […]

How To Stop Someone From Spying On Your Cell Phone

People have the right to privacy on their mobile phones. However, with the increase of malicious hackers and the use of third-party apps, this privacy is diminishing. Companies and cyber criminals look to obtain your data by any means, and use it to their advantage. However, most consumers don’t want their personal information getting in […]

About Internet Anonymity, Our Life and Its Relativity

So, you have some reason to remain anonymous on the net. You open Google, type in something like: “Basics of Internet anonymity” and get some results. One way or another, all the search results offer several basic solutions, including proxy, VPN, Tor, and I2P. These options help to form the basic level of anonymity. Level […]

600,000 GPS child trackers found vulnerable to location tracking

Today the use of trackers has become widespread, particularly due to the fine balance found between their ease of use and the security benefits attained. They can help you track your loved ones in real-time through GPS technology and hence be their safe keeper even from far away. However, a crucial process among this is […]

Meet Utopia; a privacy focused decentralized P2P ecosystem

Are you one of those individuals who believe they don’t need online privacy because there is nothing to hide? That is an argument but protecting your data will help limit the power of advertisers and companies who influence you every day. “Why should I care? What services guarantee web-privacy and how?”. That’s what I will […]

This Innocent USB Charger Is A Hidden Surveillance Camera No One Can See

To tackle uninvited burglars and other intrusions, many people resort to installing closed-circuit TV cameras in their homes. But the problem with CCTV cameras is that many of these can be easily spotted and can alert the person you wish to track. There is also a breed of security cameras that can hide in plain […]

National Censorship: Pros and Cons

Is Internet filtering at the state level good or bad? As always, there are different opinions. I do not want to give a definite answer to this question now. On the one hand, the degree of filtering and the profile of filtering can be different, on the other hand, partly the answer to this question […]

Cellular networks flaws expose 4G & 5G devices to IMSI capturing attacks

A team of researchers has disclosed their findings at the NDSS (Network and Distributed System Security) symposium 2019 held in San Diego, revealing that cellular networks have certain vulnerabilities that can potentially affect not only 4G but 5G LTE protocols to IMSI capturing attacks. The findings of their research have been published in a paper titled […]

Feds accuse Chinese firm of stealing trade secrets of US tech giant

The US Justice Department has accused China to be involved in industrial espionage. According to a press release from the department, the Chinese government has made memory chips that store data its centralized science and technology strategy only to cover its espionage activities. In an indictment [PDF] that was unsealed on Thursday, the department specifically pointed out the […]

This Tor-Enabled SIM Card Will Keep You Anonymous On Mobile Networks

In this world of online tracking and surveillance, maintaining online privacy can be quite a challenge. Your ISP or VPN provider can technically keep a log of everything that you do online — so what do we do? Tor is an answer that solves this problem and helps in securing online privacy and evading surveillance. However, […]

Google’s Nest Handed Over Data More Than 300 Times To Governments

Recently, we saw the launch of Google Home Hub that came integrated with Google Nest — a smart home surveillance feature. While the idea of a smart home does sound exciting, you might want to think twice as the data gathered from surveillance can be accessed by government bodies as well. A recent report by Forbes, […]

Don’t ever use a VPN without paying attention to these five things

Ryan Lin was just recently sentenced to 17 years in prison. He was sentenced for committing a range of crimes including cyberstalking, computer fraud and abuse, aggravated identity theft, and distribution of child pornography. These are all serious crimes that I in no way support or condone, but why am I particularly interested in the […]