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Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 4G Review: Go Wireless With Amazing Battery Life

Mobvoi has been on the ball with their Tic line of products. I’ve learned not to underestimate their devices. They’ve recently released the TicWatch Pro 4G, the incremental update to the TicWatch Pro that includes (drumroll…) 4G. But I was surprised to find a few other welcome improvements, as well. The TicWatch Pro 4G doesn’t have […]

TicWatch Pro: Reviewing the 30-Day Battery Smartwatch

Mobvoi has a handful of smartwatches in their portfolio, including the original TicWatch, the TicWatch II, as well as the S and E models, none of which have been a disappointment. Now, Mobvoi has released the TicWatch Pro, and we’ll take a look at what features Mobvoi built into the TicWatch Pro to deem it […]

TicWatch E Review: The Budget Counterpart to an Already Budget Device

Mobvoi is still a little-known player in the technology arena, despite their TicWatch managing to secure the most smartwatch sales, second only to the Apple Watch. The TicWatch E is a successor of sorts to the TicWatch and TicWatch 2. The primary differences between the TicWatch E and its predecessors are its inclusion of a more stock […]

Mobvoi Ticwatch 2 Review — Where Budget Meets Polish

Short Bytes: It’s not often that a technology company in China turns heads with a budget device, but clearly Mobvoi didn’t care to stick to the status quo with their Ticwatch, thanks to Ticwatch, its one of the best-selling smart watches in the world. Mobvoi was kind enough to send us one of their Kickstarter Ticwatch 2 Global editions […]