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TypeScript Enters RedMonk’s Top 10 Programming Language List For The First Time

Microsoft’s TypeScript programming language has seen steady growth in recent years. Now, for the first time, TypeScript has officially entered the list of top 10 programming languages published by RedMonk. Currently, TypeScript is placed in the 10th position on the list this month. We can expect TypeScript to experience an upward surge in the coming […]

TypeScript 2.0 Released — Microsoft’s Free And Open Source Superset Of JavaScript

Short Bytes: Microsoft calls TypeScript the “JavaScript that scales”. This open-source superset of JavaScript was launched in 2012. Now, Microsoft has released TypeScript 2.0 with a focus on increasing the support for JS libraries, tools, and major editors. This release also solves the issue of ‘notorious’ null values. TypeScript is a typed superset of widely […]