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Ubuntu Kylin

How To Make Your Ubuntu Linux Appear Like Windows, Use UKUI Desktop

Short Bytes: UKUI is a new desktop environment made for the Ubuntu Kylin Linux distro. It’s based on the on the MATE environment but features its own set of the icons, applets, and themes. UKUI is known for its resemblance with the user interface of Microsoft Windows. You can give UKUI a try on your […]

Ubuntu MATE Now an Official Flavor, Download Ubuntu 15.04 Beta Here

After garnering praise from the users and two acclaimed releases, the Ubuntu Mate Linux distribution has now become an official Ubuntu flavor just like Kubuntu, Ubuntu Kylin, and Xubuntu. This is the first addition to Ubuntu family since 2013 with Ubuntu Kylin. Ubuntu MATE is stable and this official build release on Ubuntu MATE Alpha2 […]