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Vulnerabilities expose Thunderbolt ports

Experts demonstrated an attack technique to compromise a computer through hardware connections A team of researchers developed a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to demonstrate an attack in which a hacker could take control of a computer by exploiting a number of vulnerabilities on the Thunderbolt port, reported experts in network security and ethical hacking from […]

A specially crafted charger could take control of your laptop

The compromised machines could be used to collect user’s information A new feature included in many modern laptops is the option to power them up through the USB port. Unlike the old USB ports, this new kind, the USB-C, can carry energy enough to charge your machine. This is a big plus, because you wouldn’t need to […]

A Google Engineer Forced Amazon To Ban Bad USB Type-C Cables With His Reviews

ShortBytes: A Google engineer named Benson Leung spent months reviewing bad USB Type-C cables on Amazon. He spent so much time reviewing them that he eventually forced Amazon to stop selling those bad cables. The Google engineer, Benson Leung, noticed problems with the USB Type-C cables on Amazon. To review and test the USB-C cables, he bought […]