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virtual assistant

Humans At Apple Listen Siri’s Recordings Of People Having Sex, Etc. [Updated]

UPDATE: Following the revelation that Apple’s Siri listens to users’ conversations, the Cupertino tech major has announced that it will stop its global internal program and stop people from Apple listening to conversations. Additionally, after reviewing Siri policies, Apple will allow users to opt-out of the program. In a statement to Bloomberg, Apple said, “We […]

Amazon Alexa Is Coming To Windows 10 Lock Screen With 19H2

It has been a long time since Microsoft partnered with Amazon to bring Alexa into the lives of Windows 10 users. The famous virtual assistant is already available as an app for Windows 10 released in 2018. Windows 10 users can trigger Amazon’s assistant using the wake word “Alexa.” For its own virtual assistant, Cortana, […]

Amazon Confirms: Alexa Keeps Your Voice Recordings Forever

Apart from Facebook keeping hold of our personal data, Amazon, too, performs the same deed as its virtual assistant — Alexa — has been caught keeping users’ voice recordings. Even though Amazon introduced the delete history feature, it seems like the voice assistant still keeps the user data. As per a letter by Amazon to […]

Google Assistant Is Now 10x Faster; Gets Tons Of New Features #IO2019

At its annual event, Google has announced that it is making Google Assistant 10-times faster with the power of machine learning. In his keynote, Sundar Pichai said that the next generation Google Assistant will be so fast that you’ll find tapping on your phone slower than conversating with the Assistant. During an on-stage demo, the […]