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Virtual Private Network

What Makes Paid VPNs Preferable

If you are considering installing a Virtual Private Network, you probably want its free version. We do enjoy a free ride in life sometimes. Psychologists discovered that we experience different emotions towards the same object, depending on its availability and perceived value. And apparently, we do not always desire more what we cannot have. It […]

New Hybrid Computing, Same Security Concerns

Pulse Secure, with the cooperation of IDG Connect has released its 2019 State of Enterprise Secure Access research paper, detailing how cloud computing has influenced companies’ daily operations and how secure the vendor platforms are. The business world is moving to the new platform, the cloud, slowly migrating from the decade-old “internally-located” servers for their […]

7 Biggest VPN Myths And Why You Shouldn’t Believe Them

Short Bytes: Are you skeptical of using a VPN software due to some VPN myths? People wrongly believe that a VPN is only needed by the ones who plan to indulge in some illegal activity. This thought, and some other common misconceptions, also hurts your chances of choosing the best VPN provider.  A Virtual Private Network […]

10 Reasons Why You Must Use A VPN Service

Short Bytes: If you think that you’re a normal citizen and you don’t need a VPN service for your daily internet activities, there are chances that you’re wrong. A VPN can help you get access to region-restricted sites, save yourself from hacking risks while using public Wi-Fi, etc. Overall, it gives you more control over […]