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Virtual Reality

Microsoft & Zero Latency Team Up For Next-Gen Free Roam VR Platform

While VR headset companies such as Oculus focus on delivering virtual reality experience at home, Zero Latency specializes in free-roaming virtual reality systems. It is basically a physical VR gaming zone where players can roam freely without being constrained by cables. Along with that, users are given VR headsets, backpacks, stereo headphones and microphones, and simulated weapons. […]

“Safespaces” Is The First Open Source VR Desktop Environment For Linux

When it comes to VR, we are mostly familiar with Google Daydream and other popularized names. But VR has made its way into the Linux as well. Although, people’s experience of things like SteamVR hasn’t been that great. But how about getting your hands on a Linux desktop environment in virtual reality? The minds who […]