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1-click code execution vulnerabilities in popular software apps

The IT security researchers at Positive Security Fabian Bräunlein and Lukas Euler have identified multiple one-click vulnerabilities across various popular software applications that can let an attacker execute arbitrary code on targeted devices. The researchers noted in their research that desktop apps, particularly those that pass user-supplied URLs to be opened by the OS, are […]

Insights and Tips on Video Compression using VLC

What is video compression? Video compression is a technique of converting a video into a smaller sized file compared to the original video by erasing repetitive and non-functional content of the source video file. For eg., A video clip consists of frames. Think of each frame as an image that lasts for a specified duration […]

VLC Media Player Has Critical Security Flaw [Updated: Devs Deny All Claims]

Update VideoLAN has tweeted that the security issue reported by CERT-Bund is not as severe as claimed. VideoLAN says the issue lies in a third-party library, called libebml, that was fixed 16 months ago. VLC makers say that the claim was based on a previous (and outdated) version of VLC. Meanwhile, the VLC CVE has […]

Critical Vulnerabilities in VLC Player Let Hacker Stream Untrusted Video To Hack Your PC – 200 Million Computers at Risk

Its time for hackers to hack your PC using malformed video file, yes, critical vulnerabilities in VLC media Player let attackers load specially crafted video files in the vulnerable system to execute the arbitrary code. VideoLAN released a security update for VLC Media player with the fixes for two vulnerabilities that allow attackers to execute […]

Critical vulnerabilities found in VLC player, update as soon as possible

Two severe vulnerabilities in the popular open source multimedia player VLC have recently been corrected. According to experts in web security audit, one is a buffer overflow flaw and the other is an out-of-bond write vulnerability that had been corrected as part of a European Commission-funded bug bounty program. In January, the European Union, in […]

VLC 4.0 Bringing Lots Of New Features To Many Platforms

Exactly a year ago, VLC announced the “Vetinari” version, aka VLC 3.0. Today, at the FOSDEM 2019 event, the development team described the massive changes that your open-source media platform is bringing with next major update, i.e., VLC version 4.0 Dropping the old interface, the new version, codenamed “Otto Chriek,” is revamping the entire media player’s UI design — at […]

LIVE555 media streaming library hit by remote code execution flaw

This article has been updated with a statement from Live Networks, Inc explaining that the flaw only affected their implementation of RTSP server, which VLC and MPlayer do not use. The IT security researcher at Cisco Talos Intelligence Group has discovered a critical remote code execution vulnerability CVE-2018-4013 in the LIVE555 media streaming library. Maintained by the […]

How To Connect Your Chromecast To VLC? | Stream From VLC To Chromecast

If you’re among the people having a Chromecast, streaming content on your television isn’t any easier. Mostly, people use Chromecast to cast content from their Android or iOS device. But there are also users who prefer to cast from their PCs via Google Chrome. In the past, we have already told about some great things […]

How To Stream Online Videos And Music Using VLC Media Player?

Short Bytes: You might be using a media player daily to watch movies and videos, but few of you would be knowing that you can stream online videos using VLC. You can play online music and videos from like YouTube etc. The steps to network stream the content from these sources are pretty straightforward, and […]

How to Convert Audio or Video Files to Any Format Using VLC?

You can’t deny the fact that sometimes converting audio and video to some other format becomes one heck of a task. We use different software to do the job and frankly speaking they do it diligently. The worst part comes at the time of installing these free software. They ask to install different kinds of […]

Critical Vulnerability Found on VLC Media Player

A researcher by the name of  Debasish Mandal has found critical command executing vulnerability on the latest versions 2.0.5 and earlier on famous VLC media playing software that can be exploited by attackers to execute malicious code on computers via ASF files.  The developers at VLC organization have published an advisory according to which the vulnerability is located  in media player’s […]