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Windows Kernel

Using Binary Diffing to Discover Windows Kernel Memory Disclosure Bugs

Patch diffing is a common technique of comparing two binary builds of the same code – a known-vulnerable one and one containing a security fix. It is often used to determine the technical details behind ambiguously-worded bulletins, and to establish the root causes, attack vectors and potential variants of the vulnerabilities in question. The approach […]

Digging Into a Windows Kernel Privilege Escalation Vulnerability: CVE-2016-7255

The Windows kernel privilege escalation vulnerability CVE-2016-7255 has received a lot of media attention. On November’s Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released a fix for this vulnerability as part of bulletin MS16-135. CVE-2016-7255 was used to perform a targeted attack and a sample was found in the wild, according to Microsoft. Google and Microsoft have already confirmed […]