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X-Ray Scans Expose an Ingenious Chip-and-Pin Card Hack

THE CHIP-ENABLED CREDIT card system long used in Europe, a watered down version of which is rolling out for the first time in America, is meant to create a double check against fraud. In a so-called “chip-and-PIN” system, a would-be thief has to both steal a victim’s chip-enabled card and be able to enter the […]

10 Inventions That Make Nikola Tesla One Of The Greatest Scientists Of All Time

Short Bytes: Nikola Tesla, who is regarded as of the greatest scientists of all times, has gifted the world in every possible way in terms of electricity, light, radio, transmitter and even x-rays. He has made more than 700 inventions and had over 100 patents in his lifetime. Nikola Tesla, who is one of the greatest scientists […]