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Apple kept mum about XcodeGhost malware attack against 128M users

According to reports, nearly 128 million iOS users downloaded apps containing the XcodeGhost malware but Apple did not inform victims about the attack. In March 2021, reported the supply-check attack in which XcodeSpy malware was used to target developers using Xcode integrated development environment, and a similar malware was used back in 2015. It was codenamed […]

Hack This: Where To Write Code

The code itself, the symbols and strings that eventually dictate the behavior of a machine, is one thing, but properly preparing it and executing it requires a dedicated venue. Your operating system’s standard text editor—TextEdit on Mac and Notepad on Windows—will really only get you so far before becoming a limiting factor. These stock tools […]

How malware finally infected Apple iOS apps: XCodeGhost

Hackers can’t easily get malware directly in iOS apps so they’re taking a different approach: Modifying the programming environment that Apple provides to make apps. Google’s open approach to Android apps have led to several malware issues over the past few years, while Apple users have remained relatively unscathed. Not any more. At least 39 […]