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Netflix Sleepy Puppy Awakens XSS Vulnerabilities in Secondary Applications

Most automated scanning and security tools that ferret out cross-site scripting vulnerabilities don’t do much analysis beyond the target application. Netflix this week, however, released to open source a tool developed in-house that persists beyond the target app and can flag potential XSS trouble in secondary applications. The tool, called Sleepy Puppy, is available on […]

PayPal XSS Vulnerability Found, Fixed Before Being Exploited

A stored XSS vulnerability was identified and reported by Bitdefender’s staff to PayPal, one that could have been easily used by hackers as an entry point for further attacks. We recently posted an article based on Jack Leonard’s “How XSS Attacks Work” infographic. And as we explained in that post, the difference between reflective and […]

Egyptian Hacker finds Sql & XSS Vulnerability in Yahoo

An Egyptian hacker Virus_Hima has said to found vulnerabilities in the official website of Yahoo. This is probably the second time in 2 months, when the hacker has found vulnerability in one of the major technology websites. While telling about the vulnerabilities he said that he got a complete hold of the backup of several yahoo domains. Among […]