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zero-day exploits

Zerodium pays up to $500 000 for zero-day exploits

The sale of zero-day exploits is a very profitable business that most people completely ignore. The International Institute of Cyber Security talks about this practice using the example of Zerodium, a zero-day broker. According to the company itself, Zerodium offers rewards to information security and pentest investigators to acquire its original zero-day vulnerability investigations that affect major operating systems, […]

Google Expert Detects Zero-Day Exploit in Avast Antivirus

Short Bytes: Avast was detected with a serious zero-day exploit by a Google security expert. The antivirus software was vulnerable to malicious HTTPS websites. Antivirus Softwares are trusted heavily with the security of the computer system, especially in today’s times when the threat of viruses and malware is at the peak. Avast has been one of […]