
Tesla Autonomous Cars Will ‘Fix’ Themselves Without Any Assistance [Patent]

Tesla Autonomous cars with the ability to perform internal repairs or fixes are coming soon. The latest patent filed by Tesla reveals that a bi-directional cable will be used in the upcoming Tesla cars with self-driving capabilities. The latest Tesla patent is titled “High-Speed Wiring System Architecture,” which seeks to replace the old wiring system inside cars with a new one.

Tesla Autonomous cars are soon expected to be able to drive themselves really soon. Thus, it is imperative that these driverless electric cars are able to keep themselves running when they’re transporting passengers around town.

Tesla has previously upgraded the wiring harness of the Model Y electric car by reducing the length of the wires from 3 km to 1.5 km. The ultimate goal is to bring down the wiring length to just 100 meters.

Tesla Autonomous Cars To Have Improved Wiring Harness

Tesla Autonomous cars will soon be equipped with a bi-directional wiring harness to make the car safe in case of an emergency wiring failure. The new wiring harness redirects the signal away from the damaged backbone wire to ensure that communication between different electronic devices inside the Tesla electric car stays online.

According to the patent itself:

The objective of this new patent is to further accelerate the production of Tesla electric cars and make them safer to be approved by regulatory authorities.

Elon Musk has promised to bring a Tesla electric car complete with self-driving capabilities into the market by the end of 2019. He is furiously busy upgrading all the existing Tesla Model 3 with improved hardware that’ll make them capable of self-driving in the future.

Musk has also claimed several times that the price of Tesla cars with Full Self Driving Package will keep going up as time passes. Tesla has a record of adding new updates from time to time to upgrade either the performance, safety or the self-driving capabilities of its electric cars.

Tesla Autonomous Electric Car Controversies

Although the Tesla electric cars are capable of several features that can be labeled as ‘driver-assist,’ none of them are capable of complete self-driving. Elon Musk has always had a bad track record of boasting about the features of Tesla electric cars.

Recently, a Tesla Model 3 crashed into a parked truck in Moscow, Russia. According to the driver, who escaped the crash with minor injuries, the Tesla Auto-pilot mode was on during the time of the crash and his hands were on the wheel the entire time.

This was just one among a series of crashes that currently haunt the reputation of Tesla Autonomous cars. Hopefully, with the newly updated wiring harness and the continually improving Tesla self-driving software, these electric cars one day become fully autonomous.

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