
Willing To Experience Linux? Try Ubuntu Demo Right Now In Your Browser

Short Bytes:
If you are new to the world of Linux, you might not be knowing about online Ubuntu Linux demo website. If you are planning to make a switch to Linux, you can head over to this website and get familiar with Ubuntu Linux.

In the first article of our Linux Lexicon series, we have already told you the benefits of using a Linux distribution as your primary desktop operating system. On many occasions, people are willing to try out Linux but they fear that it might jeopardize their existing Windows installation.

To make Linux a household name and increase its popularity, Ubuntu parent Canonical is working hard. It’s a well-known fact that Ubuntu is one of the most famous desktop Linux distributions around.

Canonical also maintains an online demo website to showcase Ubuntu desktop operating system. While experienced Linux users might consider it useless, it’s actually pretty helpful for a Linux novice.

The GitHub page of this online demo explains more:

The site is just flat HTML pages, so running the site is as easy as opening en/index.html with a browser, or running a simple server.

One also might argue that downloading a Live CD to try out the full-fledged operating system is a better option, but again, to a Windows user, this might seem like a hefty exercise.

So, this online Ubuntu Linux demo is a good fit for those who are intrigued by Linux. The website provides them the ability to have a quick look at the OS and get to know a couple of things.

Even though the options are limited in this online Ubuntu Linux demo, one can open a web browser, mail, Ubuntu Software Center browse files, and use Unity Dash.

So, if your friends and relatives ask “What’s it like to use Linux?”, go ahead and forward them this link.

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Also Read: Linux Lexicon — Complete Linux Guide

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