Cyber Attack

A Hacker Stole Millions From Veritaseum (Ethereum platform)

Veritaseum Ethereum platform confirmed today that a hacker was able to steal millions of $ 8.4 from the ICO Ethereum (Coin Initial Offers) platform.

The anonymous hacker was able to steal true chips during the ICO. Because the ICO was running and the chips were in demand, the hacker immediately sold to other buyers.

“ICOs (Initial Coins Offers) is an unregulated financing of crazy media.The first was OICs to fund the development of new cryptocurrency instruments but modern OICs serve any purpose.

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Generally, chips are sold to raise funds for with a symbolic life And contractual behavior defined by mathematical algorithms.

Unlike an initial public offering (IPO), chip acquisition is not governed by the government, and may or may not grant ownership or other rights in the company. ”

So far, the attack is not clear. It seems that some “advanced attack” has been used, but the technical team did not reveal the details.

Unfortunately for the platform, the recovery of stolen funds will be almost impossible. These chips will be downloaded through multiple exchanges in the near future.

Reggie Middleton (Veritaseum Ethereum platform founder) said:

“It’s been violated, possibly by a group. Hacks seem to be very sophisticated, but there is at least one business partner who may have dropped the ball and being responsible. We’ll let the lawyers fix it if it goes so far.

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“He (the) Hacker (s) has received millions of $ 8.4 chips and has thrown a couple of hours into a question cacophony. This is without the public knowing anything about our latest record.”

4th Hack this month

Last week, another hacker stole more than $ 7 million in funding from CoinDash’s ICE Veritaseum Ethereum platform after it took up its web site and changed the direction of Veritaseum Ethereum platform where users are supposed to send money to buy CoinDash Their chips.

Last week, another hacker used a vulnerability in the Veritaseum Ethereum platform Parity Multi-sig portfolio to steal more than $ 30 million Ethereum users using multi-SIG portfolios created parity.

Earlier this month, a hacker took control of the Ether Classic Wallet web domain and compiled access credentials for multiple users, emptying their accounts along the way.

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