PayPal 2FA bug: what you need to know

A flaw in PayPal’s two-factor authentication could allow attackers to gain access to up to 143 million PayPal accounts. The vulnerability affected users logging into PayPal via an app on their Android or iOS device, according to the Financial Times’ report.

Azerbaijani hackers hack Armenian President and Ministry websites

On 26 June, the day of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan -, Azerbaijani hackers from Anti-Armenian Team hacked and defaced the official website of Armenian President and other government Ministries. Hackers left a deface page along with a video message which includes a speech from the Commander in chief of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev. […]

Android L: your next password?

Google’s upcoming Android L update will do away with passwords – at least for dedicated Google fans, with Google devices such as Android Wear watches used to authenticate users instead of PIN codes or passwords.

Linux Kernel Local Privilege Escalation PoC

/** * CVE-2014-4014 Linux Kernel Local Privilege Escalation PoC * * Vitaly Nikolenko * * * Usage: ./poc [file_path] * * where file_path is the file on which you want to set the sgid bit */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define STACK_SIZE (1024 * 1024) static char […]

Anonymous ▶ HACK FIFA World Cup 2014 Song (feat Michael Jackson) ‪#‎OpHacking

Usually we see cyber attacks, hacking and warnings from online hacktivists Anonymousbut a song? Well here’s what happened. Micheal Jackson’s famous hit ‘’They don’t care about us” from 1996 was filmed inside a favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Now Anonymous has edited and used the same video to highlight that part of Brazil which has […]

Snowden receives German Fritz Bauer award for exposing NSA Surveillance

German Humanist Union, an independent civil liberties organization, has awarded Snowdenwith the Fritz Bauer Prize for exposing NSA’s controversial surveillance practices. The prize named after Fritz Bauer, a German prosecutor and judge who played an important role in Oswiecim trials of former SS officers, was instituted in 1968 and is given to people who excel […]

“Riot Control” Drone Will Shoot Pepper Spray Bullets At Protesters

We know how drones are used for surveillance, target killings or in some cases to save human lives, but now a South African company known as Desert Wolf told the BBC they have received orders for their riot drone‘’Shunk’’. The drone fires pepper spray bullets at crowds, that can tackle crowds or protesters “without endangering the lives […]

Catch the ESET 2014 Mid‑Year Threat Report broadcast

With the first half of the year almost over, it’s time for the ESET 2014 Mid-Year Threat Review. Presented as a webinar, this one hour event will look at some of the more interesting pieces of malware and Internet security threats that have occurred during the first six months of the year.