Bahamut Cyber Espionage Hackers Targeting Android Users with Fake VPN Apps

The cyber espionage group known as Bahamut has been attributed as behind a highly targeted campaign that infects users of Android devices with malicious apps designed to extract sensitive information. The activity, which has been active since January 2022, entails distributing rogue VPN apps through a fake SecureVPN website set up for this purpose, Slovak […]

This Android File Manager App Infected Thousands of Devices with SharkBot Malware

The Android banking fraud malware known as SharkBot has reared its head once again on the official Google Play Store, posing as file managers to bypass the app marketplace’s restrictions. A majority of the users who downloaded the rogue apps are located in the U.K. and Italy, Romanian cybersecurity company Bitdefender said in an analysis […]

Black Basta Ransomware Gang Actively Infiltrating U.S. Companies with Qakbot Malware

Companies based in the U.S. have been at the receiving end of an “aggressive” Qakbot malware campaign that leads to Black Basta ransomware infections on compromised networks. “In this latest campaign, the Black Basta ransomware gang is using QakBot malware to create an initial point of entry and move laterally within an organization’s network,” Cybereason […]

Most exploited API Vulnerabilities in 2022

It is common knowledge that maintaining a high level of cyber security has rapidly become one of the top priorities for businesses of all sizes, and this is particularly true for companies operating in sectors that deal with sensitive consumer information. It is essential for these companies, as they work toward the goal of developing […]

Ducktail Malware Operation Evolves with New Malicious Capabilities

The operators of the Ducktail information stealer have demonstrated a “relentless willingness to persist” and continued to update their malware as part of an ongoing financially driven campaign. “The malware is designed to steal browser cookies and take advantage of authenticated Facebook sessions to steal information from the victim’s Facebook account,” WithSecure researcher Mohammad Kazem […]

Chrome Extension Deploy Windows Malware to Steal Cryptocurrency and Clipboard Contents

In order to steal cryptocurrency and clipboard contents, ViperSoftX was detected by the security analysts at Avast, a Windows malware that is using a Google Chrome extension called VenomSoftX. A JavaScript-based RAT and crypto-hijacker are hidden within this Chrome extension which constantly attempts to steal the cryptocurrency and clipboard contents. Approximately 93,000 ViperSoftX infection attempts […]

Hackers Exploiting Abandoned Boa Web Servers to Target Critical Industries

Microsoft on Tuesday disclosed the intrusion activity aimed at Indian power grid entities earlier this year likely involved the exploitation of security flaws in a now-discontinued web server called Boa. The tech behemoth’s cybersecurity division said the vulnerable component poses a “supply chain risk that may affect millions of organizations and devices.” The findings build […]

Vulnerabilities in Mastodon, allow to download or delete all the files on the server, including those exchanged via Direct Messages and change everyone’s profile image

Mastodon has been under the limelight as a result of the exodus of former Twitter users who left the platform in response to the turbulence brought on by Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. For many members of the infosec community who have switched from tweeting to “tooting” on the site, it has become their go-to […]

This Malware Installs Malicious Browser Extensions to Steal Users’ Passwords and Cryptos

A malicious extension for Chromium-based web browsers has been observed to be distributed via a long-standing Windows information stealer called ViperSoftX. Czech-based cybersecurity company dubbed the rogue browser add-on VenomSoftX owing to its standalone features that enable it to access website visits, steal credentials and clipboard data, and even swap cryptocurrency addresses via an adversary-in-the-middle […]

3 Techniques that allow bypassing phishing emails through Cisco Secure Email Gateway and are being actively used by ransomware gangs

The following techniques have been made public by a researcher who wishes to remain anonymous. They can be used to bypass certain of Cisco’s Secure Email Gateway appliance’s filters and spread malware using carefully written emails. The researcher acknowledged communicating with the vendor, but said they were unable to get a suitable answer in a timely […]

Researchers Warn of Cyber Criminals Using Go-based Aurora Stealer Malware

A nascent Go-based malware known as Aurora Stealer is being increasingly deployed as part of multiple campaigns designed to steal sensitive information from compromised hosts. “These infection chains leveraged phishing pages impersonating download pages of legitimate software, including cryptocurrency wallets or remote access tools, and the 911 method making use of YouTube videos and SEO-poised […]

Luna Moth Gang Invests in Call Centers to Target Businesses with Callback Phishing Campaigns

The Luna Moth campaign has extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars from several victims in the legal and retail sectors. The attacks are notable for employing a technique called callback phishing or telephone-oriented attack delivery (TOAD), wherein the victims are social engineered into making a phone call through phishing emails containing invoices and subscription-themed lures. […]

Google Wins Lawsuit Against Russians Linked to Blockchain-based Glupteba Botnet

Google has won a lawsuit filed against two Russian nationals in connection with the operation of a botnet called Glupteba, the company said last week. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York imposed monetary sanctions against the defendants and their U.S.-based legal counsel. The defendants have also been asked to pay […]

Chinese Hackers Using 42,000 Phishing Domains To Drop Malware On Victims Systems

An extensive phishing campaign targeting businesses in numerous upright markets, including retail, was discovered by Cyjax recently in which the attackers exploited the reputation of renowned brands, and this includes the following business sectors:- Banking Travel Pharmaceuticals Travel Energy Transport Fangxiao is a group classified as a financially motivated threat actor suspected of being based […]

Microsoft Warns of Hackers Using Google Ads to Distribute Royal Ransomware

A developing threat activity cluster has been found using Google Ads in one of its campaigns to distribute various post-compromise payloads, including the recently discovered Royal ransomware. Microsoft, which spotted the updated malware delivery method in late October 2022, is tracking the group under the name DEV-0569. “Observed DEV-0569 attacks show a pattern of continuous […]

Chinese ‘Mustang Panda’ Hackers Actively Targeting Governments Worldwide

A notorious advanced persistent threat actor known as Mustang Panda has been linked to a spate of spear-phishing attacks targeting government, education, and research sectors across the world. The primary targets of the intrusions from May to October 2022 included counties in the Asia Pacific region such as Myanmar, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan, […]