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Intelligent system to check malware hidden in shortened Twitter URLs

Tool to check malware in Twitter URLs to be tested during European Football Championships next summer. An intelligent system has been created by computer scientists to identify malicious links disguised in shortened URLs on Twitter. Scientists were inspired to carry out further research on the problem, following a Cardiff University study that could identify potential cyber-attacks […]

Rephone lets you hack a cellular radio into anything

Yesterday at the Maker Faire in New York, we had a chance to check out the Rephone, a clever little project that comprises a bunch of modules that let you cobble together your own tiny little cell phone. Actually, making a cute little cardboard-encased phone is the least interesting thing aboutt the Rephone kit. The […]

Coding Trends: The Top 21 Programming Languages of 2015

Short Bytes: RedMonk’s bi-annual programming language ranking is out and it shows that JavaSript continues to rule the web. Also, Apple’s Swift has made great progress in a short span of one year. For a developer, it’s very important to recognise his/her needs and learn the right programming language. If a developer knows the latest […]

Hackers Hosting eBay Phishing Sites on eBay’s Network

Hackers are stealing eBay usernames and passwords by hosting phishing sites on eBay’s very own network. These sites appear convincing because of the fact that the fake login form is being hosted on a genuine eBay domain, This domain is typically used to host eBay listings descriptions, which later are displayed on eBay Listings page within […]

Hackers Are Using This Malware to Make ATMs Vomit Cash

Short Bytes: Security firm Proofpoint has noticed some instances of a new ATM malware called GreenDispenser. Hackers can empty the whole ATM machine without leaving any trace as the malware uses a deep delete process to erase itself. A new type of ATM malware has been detected by security researchers in Mexico. The malware enabled […]

Check if your Hard drive is close to dying

Windows doesn’t provide a built in tool , through which you can check your S.M.A.R.T Data. You will have to use a third party tool to view this Information. CrystalDiskInfo Is an Easy to use program that can display your S.M.A.R.T. Status that is reported by Your Hard Drive in Windows. After Downloading. install it, […]

Latest Facebook Prototype AI Monitors and Narrates Events in the Video

Facebook has finally improved its AI mechanism and unveiled its personal digital assistant that enhances your video watching experience tremendously. According to Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR pdf) computer vision team head Rob Fergus, an image recognition program for videos uploaded on Facebook is under development. This program won’t just monitor but explain whatever is happening […]

Hacked Uber Accounts of US Based Customers Used in China

Uber’s tentative and troublesome entry into the Chinese market has been compounded by news that Hacked Uber Accounts of Uber Riders are being used to carry out rides in China. Fraudulent use of hacked accounts adds to the regulatory issues as well as Taxi Trade opposition Uber is facing in China. Recently Uber had to […]

Whatsapp Hack that Allows User to Steal Conversation

Largest Chat app for Smartphones is now at Risk whatsapp hack that allow user to steal conversation, Israeli security firm Check Point discovered a critical vulnerability of WhatsApp Web that might put at risk the 200 million users of the service. Exploiting a flaw in the system of sending vCard, the attacker can easily execute arbitrary […]

Hackers restore PlayStation TV compatibility that was blocked by Sony

Simple e-mail exploit lets microconsole play dozens more games. When we gave our impressions of Sony’s Vita-based PlayStation TV microconsole last year, our biggest complaint was with the tiny unit’s widespread lack of compatibility with existing portable software. Hundreds of games that work just fine on the portable PlayStation Vitajust refused to load on a […]

Over 2,000 WordPress Sites Are Infecting Users with Spyware

Compromised WordPress websites are delivering spyware and PUAs (potentially unwanted applications) to users via fake Flash update messages and fake browser plugins. Zscaler researchers have uncovered a covert spyware distribution campaign that relies on hacked WordPress websites to redirect users to spyware-infested URLs. According to their findings, the campaign has been active since the first […]

Yahoo Launches Gryffin, a Web Security Scanning Platform

Yahoo’s developers have open-sourced Gryffin, a security scanner for Web content, specifically designed to cut down the number of false positives and also work at very large scales. Yahoo has a history of releasing weird open-source projects that eventually become industry favorites. You know, projects like YUI!, Pure, and Hadoop, which were at first considered […]

New Attacks Recall Old Problems with Browser Cookies

In case didn’t know or need a reminder, browser cookies aren’t exactly impervious to attack. The DHS-sponsored CERT at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University this week dropped an alert that warns users about the continued prevalence of a class of cookie vulnerabilities that puts users’ privacy and even financial well-being at risk. […]

How hackers can access iPhone contacts and photos without a password

Once again, fully patched iPhone lock screens can be bypassed with a few keystrokes. iPhone users have yet another screenlock bypass vulnerability to watch out for, according to a new video demonstration that shows how the bug can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to photos and contacts. The hack reportedly works on iOS version […]

Getting Started With Docker – Docker Ecosystem And Terminologies (Part -2)

Short Bytes: Docker images, Docker containers, Docker Hub, Compose, Machine, Swarm etc. are frequently used terms when working with Docker. In this article, we will be explaining you various terminologies used with Docker Ecosystem to help you get started with next step. In getting started with Docker – Part-1, we outlined the fundamental concepts of Linux containers […]

Must Have Apps for Apple Watch OS 2

Short Bytes: We have made a short collection of the compatible apps that give a sense of what’s possible with the new Apple Watch OS. With the initial launch of Apple Watch OS, Apple had not given access to the watch’s integral parts: its sensors and its face to the third party app developers. Hence […]

Learn to Code: Best Places to Learn C and C++ Programming Languages

Short Bytes: Want to learn to code in C and C++? Read our guide to know about the best places to learn these languages and improve your skill set. In his famous lost interview, Steve Jobs said, “I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how […]

IQ Testing App infected One Million Android devices with Malware

Now you cannot test your IQ without getting your mobile compromised — The malicious new Android app has already infected more than 1 million users —This sinister app is available at Google Play Store and easily evades detection.   The Brain Test Android app available at Google’s Play Store is not your regular IQ testing utility […]

Porn sites hit by malware hidden in adverts

Security firm Malwarebytes says a campaign of malware hidden inside online ads which hit search engine Yahoo earlier this year has now also appeared on adult websites. The advertising, apparently for a service called Sex Messenger, also contained tools for identifying whether the user was genuine rather than a bot. It appeared on porn site […]