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Kovter Malware Now Lives Solely in the Windows Registry

Symantec’s researchers have discovered a new version of the Kovter trojan, which now mimics the Poweliks malware and is able to live on your computer’s registry, without needing to be stored on your hard drive. Kovter, first spotted in 2013, has been one of the most updated malware families around, constantly changing its MO, adapting […]

New malware infects ATMs, dispenses cash on command

The GreenDispenser malware displays an error on the infected ATMs so that only criminals can use them. Security researchers have discovered a new malware program that infects automated teller machines (ATMs) and allows attackers to extract cash on command. The program is dubbed GreenDispenser and was detected in Mexico. However, it’s only a matter of […]

Lenovo Laptops and Computers Come with Pre-Installed Spyware

Lenovo has been caught, yet again, installing apps on its laptops and workstations without the user’s consent or knowledge, as Michael Horowitz from Computerworld reports. This is not the first time Lenovo has done this, as earlier this year, in February, security experts found that the company installed the Superfish Visual Discovery software on PCs, […]

Cisco Patches Denial-of-Service, Bypass Vulnerabilities in IOS

Cisco pushed out on Wednesday its usual semiannual round of patches for IOS, the software the company uses for most of its routers and switches. This month’s security advisories addressed four vulnerabilities, three which could lead to denial of service situations, and another that could have let an attacker bypass user authentication. The bypass vulnerability […]

‘RipSec’ goes to Hollywood: how the iCloud celeb hack happened

TV starlet offers iCloud access, photoshopped nudes, to bait voyeur hackers. The chief hacker behind the infamous iCloud celebrity hacks has revealed in a documentary how the group dubbed RipSec shook Hollywood by plundering thousands of naked photos and financial data of Tinsel Town icons. The hacker broke silence and spoke to Canadian tech and […]

Popular Android Games Hit By Malware

The IT security researchers at ESET detected malware on popular Android games which created quite a furor among users. A couple of weeks ago we reported how the hackers are infectiting verified Android apps with malware and successfully passes through Google Bouncer, the vetting system of Google Play Store. Now, ESET reports that the malware […]

Apple Tells the 25 Most Popular XcodeGhost Infected iOS Apps

Short Bytes: Today, Apple has released a list of the 25 most popular XcodeGhost infected iOS apps. The tech company tells the users to update these apps right now. Just a couple of days ago, Apple released a statement in the wake of the new XcodeGhost episode and told how this malware infects the applications. […]

How BIG is Google, Really?

Short Bytes: Google is synonymous with the Internet today, and the word in itself has become a verb. So what made Google popular and the brand that it is now? How Big is Google? Read the article to know more. Just after a few years of being a mere startup in 1997, Google literally burst […]

Hey Scandos, missed that parcel? Here’s some ransomware instead

Variant of CryptoLocker makes an unwelcome appearance. Spam emails disguised as messages from local post offices – but actually packing the latest variant of the CryptoLocker ransomware – are being flung at surfers in Scandinavia. Heimdal Security reports that emails referring to an undelivered package and written in local languages are actually attempts to trick […]

Chinese promotion company hijacks Android devices around the world

A Chinese mobile app promotion company has created malicious adware that allows them to gain complete control of users’ Android devices. The company misuses this access to make the phones download additional apps and to show ads. Naturally, they get paid for installing these apps and promoting a variety of services. As their adware is […]

An Introduction to Hardware Hacking: the RIPE Atlas probe

RIPE NCC is building the largest Internet measurement network ever made. RIPE Atlas employs a global network of probes that measure Internet connectivity and reachability, providing an unprecedented understanding of the state of the Internet in real time. RIPE provide anyone who is interested with a probe that can be connected to a network and […]

Fingerprints of over 5.6 Million Americans Stolen During the OPM Hack

The data breach at the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is slowly shaping up to be one of the biggest hacks in the country’s history, the Department of Defense (DoD) revealing that, besides the personal information of over 21 million American government officials, the hackers might have gotten their hands on fingerprint records for […]

Security wares like Kaspersky AV can make you more vulnerable to attacks

Antivirus applications and other security software are supposed to make users more secure, but a growing body of research shows that in some cases, they can open people to hacks they otherwise wouldn’t be vulnerable to. The latest example is antivirus and security software from Kaspersky Lab. Tavis Ormandy, a member of Google’s Project Zero […]

Your iOS 9 Lockscreen Can Be Bypassed in 30 Seconds

A security flaw has been discovered in Apple’s mobile software iOS 9 that lets strangers exploit Siri in order to bypass lock screen on the latest Apple’s mobile operating system and gain access to contacts and photos stored in the device within 30 seconds. Apple iOS is believed to be one of the most secure […]

Facebook Following NSA Footsteps to Spy on Users: Belgium’s Privacy Advocate

In June this year, we reported how Facebook was sued by Belgium’s Privacy Commission (BPC) for tracking users even those who never made a profile on the social media site. Now, Frederic Debussere (representative of the Belgian Privacy Commission/BPC) in his opening arguments on Monday, referred to Edward Snowden, the famous NSA whistleblower, while revealing the […]

US Navy Developing Cyber Protection System to Protect Ships from Cyberattacks

The experts over at United States Navy are busy in the development of a cyber-protection system, codenamed RHIMES (the Resilient Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical Security), to enhance cybersecurity and to protect the Naval’s shipboard electrical and mechanical control systems from the cyber attacks, according to the Office of Naval Research. When the term cybersecurity appears […]

Having Nude Selfies on Phone May Send You to Prison in the U.S.

A high schooler from North Carolina and his girlfriend are expecting prosecution both as minor victims and adult culprits for keeping nude selfies. Now keeping nude pictures on your mobile phone can account for legal proceedings even if you are a minor. Reportedly, a 17-year old boy Cormega Copening and his girlfriend Brianna Denson have been […]

Here’s How Someone Made a PiPhone- A Raspberry Pi Based Smartphone

Short Bytes: In this article, I’m going to share how someone made a “PiPhone”. Well, as the name suggests, PiPhone is a Raspberry Pi based smartphone that can make actual calls. Let’s know more. Raspberry Pi is today’s most popular development board and it’s continuing to receive tons of love from developers and DIYers. Today […]

Apple XcodeGhost Malware: List of iOS Apps You Should Delete Immediately

Apple’s App Store in China has apparently been penetrated by Hackers which experts say has placed the devices of hundreds of millions of people at risk. The malware named XcodeGhost, believed to be a malicious and modified version of Apple‘s very own development software, is said to have compromised a significant number of applications. Apple […]