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Russia Today (RT) website hacked, Headline Edited with the word ‘’Nazi’’

Russia Today (RT) website was hacked, Headline Edited with the world ‘’Nazi’’over ongoing Ukrainian unrest. The Russian based news channel RT got their website under attack Sunday morning. Hackers had gained editing privileges, using them to insert the word ‘Nazi’ into a headline.  The headline was placed at the right top of the main article […]

Anonymous Declares Cyberwar on Countries Found Disturbing Peace in Ukraine

The online Anonymous Hacktivist has released a video message in which it has declared cyberwar on countries and organizations, posing a threat to freedom and independence of Ukraine. The operation has been named as ”Operation Ukraine” (#OpIndependence). A 4:37 minute video message highlights several aspects of Ukrainian crisis such as international interference and divided mindset […]

Hackers Threaten Massive Cyber Attack on Brazil Fifa World Cup

SAO PAULO — Brazilian hackers are threatening to disrupt the World Cup with attacks ranging from jamming websites to data theft, adding cyberwarfare to the list of challenges for a competition already marred by protests, delays and overspending. In a country with rampant online crime, a challenging telecommunications infrastructure and little experience with cyberattacks, authorities […]

BlackBerry security revisited: How do the BB10’s stack up?

Following the ground up overhaul of the BlackBerry operating system and accompanying launch of their new flagship smartphones last year, we wondered how they really stack up–security wise–against the other smartphones you might already have in your pocket or purse right now. How do new devices running Blackberry 10–as the new OS is called–compare to

British Airways e‑ticket malware attack launched via email

If you have received an unexpected email, claiming to come from British Airways, about an upcoming flight that you haven’t booked – please be on your guard.

Online criminals are attempting to infect innocent users’ computers, by disguising their attack as an e-ticket from the airline.

Official websites of WWF and Earth Hour Philippines Hacked by Indonesian hackers

The official websites of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Earth Hour Philippines have been hacked and defaced by Indonesian based hacking group Gantengers Crew.  Hackers left a deface page along with a message on both hacked websites. The reason for targeting these sites was not explained anywhere. The deface message was expressed in following words: Gantengers Crew Hacked […]