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Ethical Hacking Organization Website Hacked, Defaced with Snowden’ Passport

Screenshot of the deface page left by the hackers EC- Council Website of the Security Certification Group got defaced with passport of Snowden. Passports of 60,000 US military and government IT professionals at risk. The EC-Council website which is basically an international council of the E-commerce consultants has been defaced this past Sunday evening. The hacker […]

South Korea will develop Stuxnet-like cyberweapons to destroy North Korean nuclear facilities

In order to demolish North Korean nuclear facilities, South Korea has decided to develop its own cyber attack tools.  Stuxnet kind of weapons have been proposed by the country’s defense ministry, the same Stuxnet software which was designed to target and destroy Iranian nuclear plants.  Yonhap news agency reported that: The South Korean military will carry out missions using […]

An In‑depth Analysis of Linux/Ebury

In this blog post, we provide an in-depth analysis of Linux/Ebury – the most sophisticated Linux backdoor ever seen by our researchers. It is built to steal OpenSSH credentials and maintain access to a compromised server.

University of Maryland Hacked, Personal Information of 300,000 Staff and Students Stolen

More than 300,000 records of faculty, staff, students, and affiliates of the Maryland University were breached, according to the University’s president. In a written note to the students and faculty, Wallace D. Loh, the president, confirmed that no financial records, academic, health or contact information were compromised and the hack was confined to personal information […]

Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Official Twitter Accounts of FC Barcelona

Syrian Electronic Army, the pro- Bashar Al Assad Syrian hackers, hacked the official twitter accounts of Futbol Club Barcelona (FC Barcelona) and sent several tweets from three official accounts of the club. Screenshot of SEA’s latest hack The compromised accounts included Spanish, Catalonian and English handles where all the posts contained link to the profile of […]

National Portal of India Hacked by Z Company Hacking Crew in Support of Kashmir

The online hacktivists from Z Company Hacking Crew (ZHC) have hacked two official domains of National portal of India and left messages against Indian occupation over Kashmir.  One of the hacked domain is designated for mobile users (), while other domain belongs to the site’s content () Though the sites were partially hacked and no deface page […]

Hacking of US Navy Computers by Iranian Hackers will Test new NSA Commander Rogers

In 2012, we reported that US NAVY faces 110,000 cyber attacks every hour. Now a report has gone viral that Iran’s penetration into the US Navy’s computer network was far more extensive than previously imagined, according to Wall Street Journal ‎. The officer who led the response attack may face questions on it from senators considering his […]

New to Mac? Four security tips you need to know

Mac OS X is a slick, easy-to-use operating system with an impressive record on security – and basic malware detection built in since 2009’s Snow Leopard update. While Macs have seen sales slowing in the past year, due largely to losing market share to their own stablemates, iPads, and other mobile devices, they’re a growing