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Post Exploitation

Faction – C2 Framework

Faction is a C2 framework for security professionals, providing an easy way to extend and interact with agents. It focuses on providing an easy, stable, and approachable platform for C2 communications through well documented REST and Socket.IO APIs. What makes Faction special Faction was developed with a heavy focus on being modular, allowing it to […]

PoshC2 – Powershell C2 Server and Implants

Many tools are written in PowerShell especially for red team activities as the majority of modern Windows are having PowerShell and usually administrators don’t restrict access to the PowerShell console for normal users. This give a great advantage to an attacker especially if PowerShell usage is not monitored by the blue team. PoshC2 is a […]

BeRoot For Windows – Privilege Escalation Project

BeRoot(s) is a post exploitation tool to check common Windows misconfigurations to find a way to escalate our privilege.  A compiled version is available here. It will be added to the pupy project as a post exploitation module (so it will be executed in memory without touching the disk). Except one method, this tool is […]

Hershell – Simple TCP reverse shell written in Go

It uses TLS to secure the communications, and provide a certificate public key fingerprint pinning feature, preventing from traffic interception. Supported OS are: Windows Linux Mac OS FreeBSD and derivatives Why ? Although meterpreter payloads are great, they are sometimes spotted by AV products. The goal of this project is to get a simple reverse […]

POET – A Simple Post-Exploitation Tool

POET is a simple post-exploitation tool to gain a remote shell on target machine. The client program runs on the target machine and is configured with an IP address (the server) to connect to and a frequency to connect at. If the server isn’t running when the client tries to connect, the client quietly sleeps […]