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Three Class Action Lawsuits have been filed against Intel because of Chipzilla

The prosecutions were filed in California, Oregon, and Indiana, according to The News. The three incidents focus on the setback in Intel disclosing the Meltdown and Spectre cyber-flaws, which make it and others firms’ parts vulnerable to hackers. The company was first published of the two vulnerabilities in June 2016 but did not openly disclose […]

A Bug in phpMyAdmin lets Hackers Delete Database Tables and Records

Amongst the most common and in demand applications for MySQL database management is the phpMyAdmin, which became vulnerable, when a critical flaw was found in the application’s security. phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is an administration tool for MariaDB and MySQL which is open source and free. It is vastly used in managing the database for websites which […]

Netflix wants to sue FCC about Net Neutrality

The streaming company retweeted its care for the Internet Association’s Friday announced it would “interrupt in a judicial action to save net neutrality protections.” The IA plans on shoving back against the FCC’s choice last month to pull back Obama-era laws that blocked internet providers from blocking a path to particular sites, as well as […]

Intel Chips Vulnerable To Hack

One of the biggest names in IT industry, Intel, has verified a report stating that some microprocessors have been built containing flaws in their design, leaving them vulnerable to hacking . According to reports, every computer that contains microprocessors of Intel from the last decade seems to be affected due to a ‘bug’ that enables […]

Nintendo’s Console Hacked – Appealing Moment for Pirates and Homebrew Games

In today’s world, no company is fully safe as even big names like Sony and HBO have been hacked, and quite recently Nintendo’s Switch had to go through the same fat. Nintendo’s most in-demand product for the Christmas season was the handheld console, the Nintendo Switch, which was hacked following the 34th Chaos Communication Congress […]

Android Games are using your Mic to Spy on You

Alphonso, a startup that retails media-viewing data, provides a plugin that listens for audio signals in shows and movies. Approximately 250 mobile entertainments and social applications in the Google Play Store use it to produce targeted ads, according to News, a few of which include bland-sounding titles like “Pool 3D”, “Beer Pong: Trickshot”, “Real Bowling […]

Password Managers can be exploited using Web Trackers

This type of abusive conduct is possible because of a configuration flaw in the login handlers included with all browsers, login managers that allow browsers to memorize a user’s username and password for particular sites and auto-insert it in login fields when the user revisits that site again. Experts say that web trackers can install […]

Hackers Can Hack Your Phone By Guessing 4 Digit Smartphone PIN With Sensors

NTU researchers have revealed that smartphones can now be hacked using the data accumulated from sensors. Dr. Shivam, a scientist at NTU, who recently developed an app that can hack data from smartphones using sensors, found this recently and the news has sent shockwaves around the world. As per a research published in Cryptology ePrint […]

It Is Possible to Hack ATM Machines in Russia

Russian ATMs Are Hackable It was recently revealed that some ATMs that are running in Russia are still operating on Windows XP operating system, which is why it is possible to hack ATM machines. As per an employee working for The Russian Blogging Platform, ATMs running on Windows XP have security flaws and it is […]

Most Common Password found in Every Data Dump is “123456”

While becoming “123456” as your phrase is quite bad, the other phrases found on a list of Top 100 Worst Passwords of 2017 are just as distressing and remorseful. The list was put together by SplashData, a corporation that provides several password management services such as TeamsID and Gpass. The business said it compiled the […]

Electronic personal identification will be done using WeChat App in China

The administration of Guangzhou, center of the southern coastal province of Guangdong, began on Monday a pilot plan that creates a virtual ID card, which follows the same purpose as the regular state-issued ID cards, through the WeChat accounts of enrolled users in the city’s Nansha district, according to a report by state news agency. […]

​This crypto-mining Android malware is so demanding it burst a smartphone

Most Android malware is at best annoying, but rarely does it cause physical damage to a phone. Not so with Loapi, a newly-discovered trojan with a cryptocurrency miner that worked a phone so hard its battery swelled up and burst open the device’s back cover. Kaspersky Lab researchers found the malware lurking in about 20 […]

WannaCry ransomware: North Korea labels US accusation as “absurd”

North Korea says there is no evidence to back the US claim it was behind the WannaCry ransomware attack. The US was “unreasonably accusing the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] without any forensic evidence”, a spokesman for North Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was quoted as saying by the country’s KCNA new agency. The […]

​Opera just added a Bitcoin-mining blocker to its browser

Norwegian browser maker Opera has launched the beta version of Opera 50, the first popular browser to integrate a built-in cryptocurrency-mining blocker. The feature offers a new defense against the rise of cryptojacking or browser-based cryptocurrency miners that use a site visitor’s CPU without gaining the owner’s consent. Crooks are increasingly hiding JavaScript miners on […]

Lawsuits have been filed against Apple for slowing down the older iPhones Models

In a statement on Wednesday, the organization said slowing down the telephones via a recent software update was needed because the aging batteries in older phones were making devices to unexpectedly shut down. Many iPhone users didn’t buy Apple’s excuse. Some dictated the company was purposely reducing the performance of older phone models as a […]

A Bitcoin Exchange Company Goes Bankrupt After Being Hacked

Youbit is a South Korean exchange that got hacked last week. As per reports, it is believed that around one-fifth of the clients’ holdings were stolen by unknown hackers lasT Tuesday. This is the second time that the exchange got hit, as it previously faced a blow of $35 million. This recent attack has made […]