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Thousands Of IoT Devices Are Vulnerable To Remote Code Execution

Security researchers from security firm Elttam have discovered a critical vulnerability (tracked as CVE-2017-17562) in GoAhead tiny web server that affects many IoT devices, the vulnerability allows attacker to execute malicious code remotely on affected devices. According to the researchers: This blog post details CVE-2017-17562, a vulnerability which can be exploited to gain reliable remote […]

Edward Snowden’s Haven App will turn your phone into a spy tool

Snowden told Moudeina that he was operating on an app that could turn a mobile device into a kind of motion sensor in form to notify you when your things are being tampered with. The app could also tell you when someone had opened your room without you identifying, if someone had moved your things, […]

Nvidia is stopping driver support for 32-bit Operating Systems

The corporation says that version 390 of its GPU video driver will be the last to carry 32-bit platforms. “Later driver release reports will not operate, nor install, on 32-bit operating systems,” an organization spokesperson said. “Driver enhancements, driver optimizations, and operating system feature in driver iterations after Release 390 will not be included back […]

A newly detected Ransomware called Retis

A security researcher has discovered a ransomware called Retis,  which is a ransomware-type virus that secretly infiltrates the system. Shortly after executed, RETIS encrypts most saved data and adds filenames with the “.crypted” extension. It is a .NET ransomware, so its source code can be easily viewed. When the malware executed it will first target […]

It Is Possible to Hack Facial Recognition System in Windows 10

Windows 10 Facial Recognition System Is Hackable According to some experienced cyber security researchers, it was revealed that the facial recognition system found in Windows 10 is prone to hacking. All you have to do is get a photograph (printed) of the owner, and you’re there.cked. This facial recognition system for Windows 10 called Hello […]

Hacker Proves It Is Possible To Hack Gift Cards

Christmas is the time of the year where gift cards are on the rise. As per The National Retail Federation, people in the U.S are expected to spend $27.6 million on gift cards this year. However, someone just made it clear that it is possible to hack gift cards. Jim Stickley is a cyber security […]

Loapi Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Can Really Destroy Your Phone

Security researchers from Kaspersky have discovered a new malware that is targeting Android phones. This malware, called as Loapi, is a harmful piece of code that can execute five separate malicious actions including mining the Monero cryptocurrency, making DDoS attacks, bombarding infected users with continuous ads, redirecting web traffic, transmitting text messages, and downloading and […]

Canadian Government Websites Hacked By a Group Called Aerith

Recent hacking events have stirred a controversy among the Canadian authorities. The past weekend, Ottawa police apprehended a teenage boy in a swatting case. The boy was accused to call in for emergency situations just to tease and catch the attention of the authority, and was said to be a part of 60 such cases. […]

Lawsuit has been filed against Trump’s Government by Kaspersky Labs

In September, the US administration gave federal bureaus three months to eliminate Kaspersky’s security software, citing matters of espionage. It cited “the ties among certain Kaspersky officials and Russian intelligence and other government bureaus, and conditions under Russian law that allow Russian intelligence powers to request or compel support from Kaspersky and to intercept messages […]

Hackers Use Triton to Hack Into Power Station Security Systems

Recently, Triconex Industries was put at risk when hackers attempted to hack into its security systems, trying to control things. These attacks have a pattern. They are made on gas and oil industries. When traced, several hack attempts were made in various industries but the first attack was reported in the Middle East, experts are […]

vBulletin Vulnerable To Code Execution & File Deletion Flaws

Last week, security researchers have published the details of two possibly critical flaws affecting version 5 of the vBulletin forum software. vBulletin is the most popular forum software, which is based on PHP and MySQL database server. It’s currently used by over 100,000 websites, including Fortune 500 and Alexa Top 1 million organizations websites and […]

Management Systems Of Buildings Waiting to Get Hacked

As per many security reports, managements systems of buildings all over the world have improved dramatically, however, their security is still at a large risk as it is possible to hack building management systems. Ken Munro is a partner at Pen Test Partners and he believes that a huge number of companies were found to […]

Attackers use TRITON malware to target industrial control systems (ICS)

Security researchers from FireEye and Dragos have discovered a nasty piece of malware targeting industrial control systems (ICS). The malware (called “TRITON” and “TRISIS”) was discovered after it was used against a victim in the Middle East, and unintentionally led to an automatical shutdown of the industrial process. TRITON has been specially designed to target […]

Mr. Robot plugin found in all the instances of Mozilla Firefox Quantum

A new plug-in called “Looking Glass” discovered in each instance of the new Firefox Quantum browser. It was turned off by default, but users were still scared to see a plugin they hadn’t installed. When they examined to see what “Looking Glass” did, they found a vague and ominous release notes “MY REALITY IS JUST DIFFERENT […]

AT&T DirecTV WVB Devices Are Vulnerable To Code Execution

The security vulnerability was discovered in the Linksys WVBR0-25 wireless video bridge, which was designed to enable the main Genie DVR to communicate over the air with clients’ Genie client boxes (up to 8) that are plugged into their televisions around the home. The vulnerability (tracked as CVE-2017-17411) has been discovered by Ricky Lawshae (security […]

The FCC has just killed the Net Neutrality Rules

Before you throw your computer into a lake, rest ensured this ain’t over. In the days, weeks, and periods to follow honestly, indeed in the next few hours the next phase in the fight to protect net neutrality will begin. It will take several forms, and will happen in several areas, but it’s only just […]

An Open Invitation For Hackers to Break Into The Internet Connected Systems

The word ‘hacker’ sets off an alarm for many organizations but not for Singapore’s Mindef (headquarters of Singapore’s Armed forces). The organization has invited over 300 hackers from around the world for a single task. That being, to penetrate into their systems and look for weaknesses. These 300 hackers will be using their hacking skills […]

MoneyTaker Hackers are Attacking American, Russian And Bangladeshi Banks

MoneyTaker hackers, A group of Russian hackers, has been laying waste to banks internationally and locally. In the past 18 months, this group has stolen a total of $10 million from America and Russia combined and $81 from Bangladesh. This group is a large one and their recent heists happened when they hacked into 20 […]

Election Hack: Russian hacker was arrested and upon interrogation

The 2016 election hack is back in the news. With great efforts, a Russian hacker was arrested and upon interrogation, he revealed that he was hired by the Russian State Intelligence for a task. The task was to hack into the Democratic National Congress security systems in 2016. According to The Bell, it became clear […]