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Start hacking any company with Infoga

INFOGA INTRO:- Infoga is the tool design for gathering the email information of the company/target. This tool is written in python. Infoga gather information from different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Baidu etc. Infoga looks simple but very effective, say ethical hacking professionals. This tool is considered in early stages of pentesting or just to […]

Detect Web Application Firewall (WAF) before you attack

WEB APPLICATION FIREWALL BASICS:- WAF (Web application firewalls) plays an important role in securing the websites. As they filter/monitor the traffic. Web Application Firewalls offers protection against large vulnerabilities. Many companies now days are upgrading their existing infrastructure to implement web application firewalls. Web application firewalls cannot be resolve security problems on its own, proper […]


INTRODUCTION:- In this digital era, our information is more public than private. The massive growth of internet users is increasing day by day. What we think we simply search it on the internet. Here privacy becomes a big concern for every internet user, according to ethical hacking courses. There are many genuine reasons why an […]

XSS Shell- Cross Site Scripting

XSS-Shell Intro:- XSS Shell framework uses cross-site scripting to get reverse shell. In order to attack on the victim’s web browser you just need an XSS flaw to run XSS reverse shell commands, say ethical hacking investigators. XSS Shell comes with number of payloads which can be used in attacking the victim’s browser, as per […]

Track people on internet – Trape demo tutorial

Trape Intro:- Trape is a OSINT (Open Source Intelligence Tool) is a tracking tool  in which you can execute social engineering attack in a real time, ethical hacking specialists clarifies. It was created with the goal of to tell the world that how an attacker can obtain confidential info such as victim location beyond their IP […]


CRUNCH INTRO:- While cracking the password, attacker always needs an wordlist. Normally, wordlist use thousand of words per second to crack the password. If attacker gathers some information about the victim like – birthday dates, children names, pets name, girlfriend name etc. Attacker can use information in creating of the custom wordlist, say ethical hacking […]

Netbios Over TCP/IP – nbtstat usage in detail

As per ethical hacking professionals, Nbtstat is a network tool that is used to check the running TCP/IP connections. Nbtstat list all the network connections that are used in Windows OS. This tool is pre-installed in Windows you no need use any external software to run nbtstat. It’s an effective tool to determine all the […]

Crack Windows password with john the ripper

JOHN THE RIPPER:- John the ripper is a password cracker tool, which try to detect weak passwords. John the ripper can run on wide variety of passwords and hashes. This tool is also helpful in recovery of the password, in care you forget your password, mention ethical hacking professionals. John the ripper is popular because […]


BABYSPLOIT INTRO:- Babysploit is a pentesting tool kit used in initial phase of pentesting. BabySploit mostly covers each and every scan. This tool is a bundle of all the small tools. This tool is used for people who are new in hacking and want to learn initial phases of pentesting, as per ethical hacking expert […]

recon-ng – Good tool for Information Gathering

Recon-ng is a tool written in python mostly used in information gathering with its independent modules, keys list and other modules. This tool is preloaded with lots of modules which use online search engines, plugins and API which can help in gathering the information of the target. Ethical hacking research of iicybersecurity says that this tool […]

Use nslookup for footprinting

WHAT IS A DNS (DOMAIN NAME SERVER)?Domain Name Server or we can say Domain Name System is a distributed method that helps humans to remember name of any website. Generally websites are hosted on servers using their IP Address. Humans cannot remember IP Address (numbers) all the time. That’s where DNS helps. DNS make any […]

SSL vulnerability scanner – MassBleed

MASSBLEED:- Massbleed is a SSL vulnerability scanner. Its mainly check vulnerability in ssl of the target sites, as per ethical hacking investigators. Massbleed is an open source project and can be modified according to requirement. It does not contain any license. Massbleed scans the website/ip address and try to find the SSL vulnerability. Massbleed is […]

Use dig for footprinting

Domain Name Server or we can say Domain Name System is a distributed method that helps humans to remember name of any website. Generally websites are hosted on servers using their IP Address. Humans cannot remember IP Address (numbers) all the time. That’s where DNS helps. DNS make any IP Address into normal text so […]

Uncover virtual hosts of domain with Fierce

FIERCE DNS SCANNER:- Fierce is a another domain scanner. It is written by Robert Hansen aka RSnake. It helps to locate non-contiguous IP space and hostname against target. This tool helps to uncover additional hosts that brute force may not have found, as stated by ethical hacking researcher in International Institute of Cyber Security. For launching this […]


TOR EXIT RELAY SCANNER:- As we all know tor is used for anonymous communication in anonymity network. Exitmap modules implement tasks that are run over of subset of all exit relays. It’s fast and modular python-based scanner for tor exit relays. Exitmap is useful to monitor the accuracy of all exit relays. As per ethical hacking […]


EVADE USING PROXYCHAINS:- Whenever attacker attacks in any network, all traffic of the attacker can be logged which can reveal the identity of the attacker in destination network. All of these events increase the possibility of getting caught, explain ethical hacking professionals. If you want to be undetectable on internet, you will have to work […]

What is that website – whatweb

WHATWEB:- Whatweb is a next generation information scanner. Its name speaks “what is that website”. According to ethical hacking expert of International Institute of Cyber Security this tool can be used in identifying all sort of information about the site. This tool is developed by Andrew Horton aka urbanadenturer and Brendan Coles. Whatweb can fetch information […]

How to find, is link malicious/URL or not

AUTOMATER:- Automater is a tool to analyze URL, IP, MD5 hash for intrusion analysis. Automater scans the given target by using the set of predefined websites. It uses sites like Virustotal, robtex, etc. Automater uses its default list of websites, so you don’t have to visit these sites individually it actually saves your time. According […]

Scan your LAN for vulnerabilities

NETBIOS ENUMERATOR:- Netbios was suggested that how to use remote network support. Netbios enumerator basically scans the range of IP addresses that are present over the network, mention ethical hacking investigators. This tool tells about information like open ports, installed windows version. Ethical hacking researcher of iicybersecurity says this method comes handy while check the security […]

Scan Joomla websites using Joomscan

Joomscan is a web vulnerability scanner used to detect command execution, sql injection and other web application attacks. As name suggest, joomscan scans websites created using joomla. Joomscan locate the browsable folders, locate each file to identify the version of a component installed, explain ethical hacking teachers. For running the joomscan type joomscan in linux terminal. In […]

Create wordlist from Twitter using Twofi

TWOFI:- Twofi was written by Robin Wood at DigNinja. This tool can use to grab the contents of the user’s or company’s twitter feed. This tool allows to create custom wordlist for cracking passwords, explain ethical hacking investigators. For launching twofi Type twofi in linux terminal as shown below:- Before using twofi you must have an twitter developer’s […]