627 websites hacked and defaced by Indonesian Hackers for #OpFreeSyria

Two Indonesian hackers going with the handle of SultanHaikal and Brian Kamikaze have hacked and defaced total 627 random websites under the banner of #OpFreeSyria.

Hackers left a deface page, a simple note with Syrian flag displaying victory sign. The deface message was expressed in following words:

  • Hacked by SultanHaikal & Brian Kamikaze #Free Syrian Welcome to The 0day Thanks To All Muslim hackers.

Among the hacked websites, 36 belongs to government of Indonesia and all other sites belong to private institutions and business from Indonesia.

Links of all hacked sites are available here with their mirrors available on Zone-h.

Hackers around the world have gathered together against possible U.S strike on Syria, hacking and delivering messages to the governments around the world. If you are interested in checking previous hacks done under same op then click #OpFreeSyria.

At the time of publishing this article, most websites were down and some were restored.

#OpFreeSyriadefacedDefacementHackedhacking news