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627 websites hacked and defaced by Indonesian Hackers for #OpFreeSyria

Two Indonesian hackers going with the handle of SultanHaikal and Brian Kamikaze have hacked and defaced total 627 random websites under the banner of #OpFreeSyria. Hackers left a deface page, a simple note with Syrian flag displaying victory sign. The deface message was expressed in following words: Hacked by SultanHaikal & Brian Kamikaze #Free Syrian […]

#OpFreeSyria: Team Hacking Argentino strikes again, defaces 661 Websites

As I have been reporting on different online ops against or pro to Syrian war, one team which is pro Syrian Electronic Army is consistent in their hacks against war on Syria. I am talking about Team Hacking Argentino which has now hacked and defaced 661 government and private websites from all over the world. […]

#OpFreeSyria: 443 Websites Hacked and Defaced by Team Hacker Argentino

Earlier today the Argentinian hackers from Team Hacker Argentino have hacked and defaced total 443 random websites from all over the world for #OpFreeSyria. Team Hacker Argentino who is supporter of Syrian Electronic Army left a deface page along with a message on all hacked websites, showing their logo and a YouTube video describing aftermath […]