Banking Trojan Inspired By Wannacry To Add Self Spreading Ability

Even though WannaCry and Petya ransomware wave have slowed down, motivated by money laundering criminals, and hackers have taken world class outbreaks for their most powerful Banking Trojan. Security researchers have discovered at least one group of cyber criminals who are trying to give your banking Trojan self-spread worm capabilities that have made the recent […]

Dangerous Mobile Banking Trojan Uses Keylogger To Steal Everything

Security researchers have discovered that one of Android’s most dangerous Mobile banking Trojan family has been modified to add a keylogger for its recent stump, giving attackers another way to steal sensitive information to victims. Kaspersky Lab’s old malware analyst Roman Unuchek has discovered a new variant of the famous Android trojan, called Svpeng, in […]

Mobile Banking Malware “Svpeng” Working as a Keylogger and Steals Contacts and Call Logs

New Banking Malware called “Svpeng” Discovered with New Advance Futures that working as Keylogger and steals sensitive information such as Entering texts, to send SMS, Call logs and Contacts Details from victims Mobile. Taking Advantages of accessibility services and abusing the system futures allow this Trojan not only steal the call logs and Entering texts, […]

Svpeng Android Banking Trojan Tweaked with Keylogger Feature

With every passing day and every single hack attack, hackers are becoming more innovative in their tricks and apt at their social engineering skills. Now their attacks are difficult to detect, and they are adopting stealthy techniques lately. The latest Android Banking Trojan is a clear proof of this. According to Kaspersky Labs’ security researchers, […]


The authors behind the Android banking malware family Svpeng have added a keylogger to a recent strain, giving attackers yet another way to steal sensitive data. Roman Unuchek, a senior malware analyst with Kaspersky Lab, said Monday he spotted a new variant of the Trojan in mid-July. Unuchek says the keylogger takes advantage of Accessibility Services, […]

Italian Banking Giant UniCredit Hacked; 400,000 Customers Impacted

UniCredit, an Italian global banking, and financial services company have announced that it has suffered a security breach in which data of 400,000 customers have been impacted. In a press release, the bank said hackers targeted its cyber infrastructure in Italy back in September and October 2016 and then again in June and July 2017 which […]

A Banking Trojan Called “Ursnif” Using Mouse Moments for Evasion and Decryption From Virtual Machine

Bank Trojan called “Ursnif” using clever Trick to Evade sandbox Detection from the  Virtual Machine Environment by using mouse movements. New Futures has been embedded with it including anti-sandbox Technique to avoid Detection and its used combination of mouse position and file time stamps. Trojan This clever Technique helps to decode the internal data and steal Data […]

Banking Trojan “Trickbot” Powered by Necurs Targeting Financial Institutions

Security experts from Flashpoint observed spam campaigns targeting US financial sectors Trickbot banking Trojan targeting financial sector. Trickbot which is capable of launching MitB attacks originated in the middle of 2016 and it targets financial institutions outside of US. From July 17, 2017, Flashpoint observed Trickbot campaign, known as “mac1,” targeting users of various financial […]

Fake Adobe Flash Player App Infects Android Devices with Banking Malware

IT security researchers at Russia based Dr. Web cybersecurity firm have discovered a fake Adobe Flash Player infected with BankingBot malware known for stealing banking and personal data of Android users. “BankingBot” was first spotted in April 2008 but about three months ago it was found infecting over 400 apps on Google Play Store. Once it infects a […]

Dangerous Android Banking Trojan Control Mobile Devices and Steals Confidential Bank Customers Information

New Banking Trojan Discovered that named Android.BankBot.211.Origin controls the Mobile Devices and steals confidential bank customer information by using accessibility  services. This Banking Trojan forced Victims to grant the access to install into their Mobile and it Distributed through Well known applications such as Adobe Flash Player. Once successfully installed  and launches the Trojan, the […]

The NukeBot banking Trojan: from rough drafts to real threats

This spring, the author of the NukeBot banking Trojan published the source code of his creation. He most probably did so to restore his reputation on a number of hacker forums: earlier, he had been promoting his development so aggressively and behaving so erratically that he was eventually suspected of being a scammer. Now, three months after the source […]

Fake WhatsApp Subscription Email Stealing Banking Data

It is not uncommon for scammers to send phishing emails that trick the users into downloading a malicious link or simply open an attachment that will automatically launch a virus to infect the computer. However, sometimes, scammers are much less sophisticated and simply play on a user’s lack of knowledge regarding a few things. WhatsApp […]

New OSX/Dok Malware Targeting macOS Users to Steal Banking Credentials by Cloning Major Bank Websites

A New MacOS Malware “OSX/Dok” Discovered to Steal Banking Credentials by cloning major Banking website which leads victims to install the Malicious Application into victims mobile Devices. This infection leads to potentially compromise the victims and leaks their sensitive data from their mobile platform. OSX/Dok  Malware used to Attack Mac users via traditional Spam and […]

Pinkslipbot banking Trojan exploiting infected machines as control servers

Pinkslipbot banking Trojan is a banking Trojan that uses a complicated multistage proxy for HTTPS-based control server communication. Security researchers at McAfee Labs have spotted a new strain of the Pinkslipbot banking malware (also known as QakBot/QBot) that leverages UPnP to open ports, allowing incoming connections from anyone on the Internet to communicate with the infected […]

A Banking Trojan Called “QakBot ” Attack Thousands of Windows Active Directory and users to get locksout of their Company’s Domain

An Existing Banking Trojan called “QakBot ” attack Windows  Active Directory users and leads to locks out the thousands of Active Directory users which caused a big impact for Organizations in terms of access their networked assets. Windows Active Directory performs a centralized  Domain management control to authenticates, authorizes and Policy and Procedure. all users […]

New Dangerous Android Permission Security Flaw leads to Ransomware and Banking Malware Attacks

[jpshare]A new Android vulnerability discovered in Android’s security Mechanism which leads to several android permission based attacks during run-time including ransomware, banking malware and adware. According to the Google Policy  gives extensive permissions to apps installed directly from Google Play,this flow  consists of several groups of permissions, with permissions considered as “dangerous” granted only during run-time […]

Banking malware with screen locking capabilities targeting all versions of Android

Android clients were the goal of another banking malware with screen locking abilities, taking on the appearance of a flashlight application on Google Play. Dissimilar to other banking trojans with a static arrangement of targeted banking applications, this trojan can progressively change its usefulness. The trojan, detected by ESET as Trojan.Android/Charger.B, was added to Google […]

Sophisticated Android Based Banking Trojan “BankBot” Reach Play Store Which Avoid Detection by Google Security Scanner

[jpshare]Specifically Target to infect  Android  Trojan entered into Google Play store which give more pain to Google Security team to find this  malware “Android.BankBot.149.origin” . According to the Dr.Web Once this Malware Reached to the Android  Device , it force to user and grant the Admin privilege  and also Delete the Icon in the Home […]

Many New Apps Injected with Banking Malware found in Google Play Store

[jpshare]Security researcher Niels Croese found much new banking malware on Google Play, which has numerous new banking application focuses in its configurations. Taking a look at the names of the exercises and other manifest items it appeared like an ordinary application with embedded malware. Apparently, the app was updated recently (April 8, 2017) and this was most likely […]