Researchers Are Developing A Nearly “Zero Energy” Bitcoin Alternative

We are way past the cryptocurrency boom that made Bitcoin one of the world’s fastest-growing currencies. One of the downsides of Bitcoin is that mining a single Bitcoin requires a large amount of energy and thus it bumps the amount of carbon dioxide released in the process. According to a report by IEEE Spectrum, processing […]

There is no cash at ATMs in Hong Kong; citizens are buying Bitcoin because of new law in China

Social protests and government attempts to disrupt them can have unexpected consequences in different areas, including on new technologies. Information security experts report that ATMs in Hong Kong are running out of cash due to the possibility of China’s government taking highly intrusive and authoritarian measures to stop recent demonstrations and prosecute those responsible for […]

Sale: 30% discount on Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin value

The cryptocurrency community has taken a hit that will be difficult to recover from. Information security specialists report that the cryptocurrency market is in crisis, as the price of Bitcoin has fallen more than 10% due to the little interest generated by the start of activities of Bakkt, the trading platform of virtual assets of […]

85% Of Total Bitcoins On Earth Have Already Been Mined, What’s Next?

1st August 2019 is an important day in the cryptocurrency industry because as of today, 85% of the total Bitcoin supply has been mined. Now, we can only mine 3.15 million new Bitcoins in the next 120 years. Satoshi Nakamoto, the alleged creator of Bitcoin, did a smart move by limiting the total number of […]

Guy Transforms Windows XP Into A Bitcoin Blockchain Machine

Windows XP might have gone a long time ago, but every now and then we get to see glimpses of the good old operating system. In the latest one, a developer has managed to run Windows XP on a Bitcoin SV blockchain and put it on the internet as a website. You can play around […]

5k Bitcoin ATMs worldwide allow money laundering for drug trafficking

The Spanish authorities have stated that the legislation currently in existence in the European community is inadequate and insufficient to prevent the use of Bitcoin ATMs in order to launder money, as mentioned by digital forensics specialists. Various media report that the Spanish government has reached this conclusion after investigating the legal status of cryptocurrency […]

Donald Trump Hates Bitcoin And Wants It To Be Regulated

If it’s not apparent from the title then here it is once again: Donald Trump hates bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrencies as well, including Facebook Libra. He is suggesting that these bitcoins are not real money and that the US dollar is the only real currency in the United States of America. However, he […]

Solving This Math Equation Could Help You Steal $200 Billion In Bitcoin

Math enthusiasts definitely know about the famous P vs NP problem and how it is an unsolved problem till date. However, if the un from the unsolved is removed, it could help you ‘steal’ around $200 billion in bitcoin. This has been suggested by theoretical computer scientist Scott Aaronson during a lecture at Los Alamos […]

This Image Holds $70,000 Worth Bitcoin; You Just Have To Find It!

Bitcoin has been on a constant surge for the past few days and the digital cryptocurrency recently crossed the $10,000 mark, which is a feat considering the rapid decline it faced after 2018. If you stopped investing money in Bitcoin after its steep fall, here’s your chance to earn $70,000 worth of Bitcoin by simply […]

Bitcoin crosses $11k USD; time to buy Bitcoins again?

Bitcoin cryptocurrency exceeded the $11,000 limit for the first time in more than 15 months; according to website security specialists, this is mainly due to Facebook announcement of its incursion into the field of virtual assets with the launch of Libra, its own cryptocurrency. On Monday, the cryptocurrency peaked at $11,307 USD limit per unit, […]

Man Who Claims To Be Bitcoin Inventor Is Suing Those Who Don’t Agree

A year ago, during Deconomy 2018, a man who refers to himself as the inventor of bitcoin — Craig Wright — was openly accused of fraud and now that very comment led Wright to sue the person who accused him, and many more. It is suggested that Wright was questioned during the conference by Vitalik […]

What Is Bitcoin? Bitcoin For Beginners Explained!!

Too Lazzzy to Read? Listen to this article👇 In a nutshell, Bitcoin is a form of digital money. But unlike the traditional paper currency, the central bank does not control it. Each bitcoin unit is unique and cannot be copied or deleted and works on a distributed network supported by thousands of computers worldwide. In […]

Bitcoin Surging Again: Could Hit The $10,000 Mark In 2 Weeks

Bitcoin is slowly picking up the pace and is recovering from a steep downfall that started at the beginning of 2018. One of the most popular cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, is currently trading at $8,730, falling a few dollars below the day’s all-time high value of $8,785. According to Naeem Aslam, Chief Market Analyst at Think Markets […]

Bitcoin Rewards As Lures? Tale Of The New Generation Malvertising

Remember the malvertising campaigns in the early days where are adverts showing you are the nth visitor, and you have a prize to claim for being the coveted nth visitor on a website? Of course these days the chance of seeing a Flash-based animated advert like that, since Google Chrome itself autoblocks scam-like adverts by […]

Tips to Increase Your Bitcoin Security

Of all the cryptocurrencies available today, Bitcoin definitely is the most popular one. Investors are attracted by the potential value of this cryptocurrency. But let’s remember that whatever gets popular on the internet draws the attention of cybercriminals as well. Thus, Bitcoin, because of its popularity and also because of its potential value, does attract […]

Binance exchange hacked: Bitcoin worth $40.7M stolen

API keys and 2FA codes along with other sensitive data has also been stolen. Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world by volume, has become a victim of a massive data breach in which hackers stole roughly 7,000 bitcoin (worth over $40 million). According to Binance, the hackers not only stole API […]

Binance Hacked — Hackers Stole Over $40 Million Worth Of Bitcoin

Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, confirmed today that the company lost nearly $41 million in Bitcoin in what appears to be its largest hack to date. In a statement, Binance’s CEO Changpeng Zhao said the company discovered a “large scale security breach” earlier on May 7, as a result of […]