Embedded Devices Share, Reuse Private SSH Keys, HTTPs Certificates

Researchers have found that thousands of Internet gateways, routers, modems and other embedded devices share cryptographic keys and certificates, exposing millions of connections to man-in-the-middle attacks that open the door to more extensive intrusions that jeopardize encrypted data. This type of certificate reuse and sharing of SSH keys is apparently all too common among connected […]

XSS in Hidden Input Fields

At PortSwigger, we regularly run pre-release builds of Burp Suite against an internal testbed of popular web applications to make sure it’s behaving properly. Whilst doing this recently,Liam found a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in [REDACTED], inside a hidden input element: <input type=”hidden” name=”redacted” value=”default” injection=”xss” /> XSS in hidden inputs is frequently very difficult […]

Chrome for Android Has a Hidden Vulnerability, Quite Simple to Exploit

Google’s Chrome staff got in contact with the security researcher and has already started working on a fix A Chinese security researcher has found a security vulnerability in Google’s Chrome browser for Android, which he recently presented during the MobilePwn2Own event at the PacSec security conference in Tokyo, as The Register is reporting. The researcher, […]

Oz submarine bidders paper over hack attacks, deliver tenders by hand

Report: Germany, France, Japan contract hopefuls spotted multiple attacks. Hacking attempts are forcing bidders in Germany, France, and Japan for Australia’s A$50 billion submarine contract to rely on hand-delivery for sensitive information. The attacks are merely repeat attempts and there is no evidence so far of any breach, The Australianreports. Previously suspected but unreported, the […]


Last year we switched to using Slack for all our internal communication and it’s working out nicely. It’s very developer centric in that it offers integrations with lots of services like Travis CI, GitHub, etc. When we started using Slack one of our developers was sending a file, had his Developer console open and noticed […]

Trillions of Facebook posts added to search results

Facebook has indexed almost two trillion posts put on the site by its members to make it easier to find them. The change means that many older posts will now be added to results when people search for news or information. Trillions of Facebook posts added to search results The move is being seen as part […]

Malware Is Using the Dark Web to Stay Hidden

The dark web is well known as a space where anything can be bought or sold: guns, drugs, stolen data, and extreme pornography are all relatively easy to get hold of with a few clicks of a mouse. But anonymity networks such as Tor, as well as the hidden sites they facilitate, can also act […]

Intelligent system to check malware hidden in shortened Twitter URLs

Tool to check malware in Twitter URLs to be tested during European Football Championships next summer. An intelligent system has been created by computer scientists to identify malicious links disguised in shortened URLs on Twitter. Scientists were inspired to carry out further research on the problem, following a Cardiff University study that could identify potential cyber-attacks […]

Porn sites hit by malware hidden in adverts

Security firm Malwarebytes says a campaign of malware hidden inside online ads which hit search engine Yahoo earlier this year has now also appeared on adult websites. The advertising, apparently for a service called Sex Messenger, also contained tools for identifying whether the user was genuine rather than a bot. It appeared on porn site […]

Android Ransomware Hidden Behind Fake Pornography App

Android is one of the most vulnerable OS in the world — If you are an Android user you need to be careful with downloading apps. Several malicious mobile apps have been surfaced on the Internet, which is a ransomware variant that takes advantage of offering pornography as a bait for targeted victims into downloading […]

Hidden Tear – Ransomware-like file crypter

Uses AES algorithm to encrypt files. Sends encryption key to a server. Encrypted files can be decrypted in decryption program with encryption key. Creates a text file on Desktop with given message. Small file size (12 KB) Undetectable by antivirus programs (15/08/2015) Use a web server which supports scripting languages like PHP, PYTHON etc. Change this […]

Hidden password-stealing malware lurking in your GPU card? Intel Security thinks not

Fears that malware is hiding in people’s graphics chipsets may be overclocked, according to Intel Security. Earlier this year, researchers from the self-styled “Team JellyFish” released a proof-of-concept software nasty capable of exploiting GPUs to swipe passwords and other information typed in by a PC’s user. The same research raised doubts about whether security tools […]

Amitabh Bachchan’s Twitter Account Hacked, Adult Site Added as ‘Following’

Image: Twitter Short Bytes: The Twitter account of Amitabh Bachchan, Bollywood’s biggest superstar, has been hacked and some adult sites have been added as ‘following’. A tweet from Mr. Bachchan’s official Twitter handler @SrBachhan says: “WHOA !..My Twitter handle hacked ! Sex sites planted as ‘following’ ! Whoever did this, try someone else, buddy, I don’t […]

Patched Ins0mnia Vulnerability Keeps Malicious iOS Apps Hidden

Apple’s monster security update of Aug. 13 included a patch for an iOS vulnerability that could beacon out location data and other personal information from a device, even if a particular task has been shut off by the user. A mobile app exploiting this vulnerability could also look benign enough to slip past Apple’s security […]

Beware of New ‘Forbidden Content’ Facebook Phishing Scam Hitting Inbox

Another day, another Facebook phishing scam — Facebook users must be cautious since a new phishing scam message is circulating on the social network. A new phishing scam message titled “Forbidden Content” has been circulating across Facebook timelines nowadays. According to this, forbidden content and mistrustful activity has been identified on your Facebook account. The […]

Banking Malware Delivered via Macro in PDF Embedded Word Document

Delivering banking malware through Microsoft Word documents has been a less common method. However, it is currently being used for spreading malicious macros and PDF files in a single item — Avast Experts. Researchers at Avast have identified that the previously less common method of spreading banking malware has suddenly been increased. They further noted […]

NSA Agents watch Porn in a Special Room to Find Hidden Terrorist Messages

Scrolling through and scrutinizing nightmarish footages of prisoner beheading, children sexual abuse, attacks on American militia, and similar disturbing galleries seems like a totally repulsive act to a common man. However, if you are associated with the National Security Agency (NSA) or CIA then watching hardcore videos and ‘jihadist’ porn is a part of your […]

New Snowden Documents Expose Canada’s Hidden Cyber Warfare Strength

On Monday, CBC News and The Intercept collaboratively disclosed for the very first time how Canada has endorsed aggressive strategies for attacking, sabotaging and infiltrating their targeted computers. Thanks to New Snowden Documents. The Intercept obtained documents from the famous National Security Agency (NSA) whistle-blower Edward Snowden As per the new documents, Canada’s electronic surveillance agency has […]

How to Enable Hidden Offline Browsing In Google Chrome

Hello everyone, I remember the last time when I shared an article on How To Watch and Download YouTube Videos Offline, someone asked me if I could write something on how to browse offline. After a little research, I found something very useful. As Mozilla and Internet Explorer already offer a “Work Offline” option to save and read later, Google chrome […]