Israeli pilots punished for storing sensitive data on smartphones: Reuters

JERUSALEM: Two Israeli combat pilots were jailed for five days and 12 others were disciplined for storing operational maps on their smartphones, Israeli Army Radio reported on Wednesday. Israeli military authorities discovered the security breach after one of the pilots reported he had lost his cellphone and that it contained sensitive data. It was recovered, […]

Anti-NSA Blackphone: Encrypted smartphone designed to rescue users from surveillance

Post-Snowden revelations about NSA snooping on private data of almost every individual, Silent Circle, a Switzerland based encryption firm, has partnered with the Spanish phone manufacturer, Geeksphone that uses Android platform for its mobile devices, to produce Blackphone—the most secure smartphone in the world. Phil Zimmerman, one of Silent Circle’s founder and a renowned cryptographer, […]

NSA’s Secret DROPOUT JEEP Tool Can Access iPhone, Including Camera & Mic

TAO, the arm of the US National Security Agency (NSA), is embroiled in penetrating the security structures of Apple iPhone; and this time it is alleged that the manufacturer colluded with the intelligence agency.  It has been reported that the NSA’s DROPOUT JEEP program could access voicemail, contact lists, text messages, files, location and could […]

Snapchat Hacked, 4.6M Usernames and Phone Numbers Published Online

Emerging photo messaging application Snapchat has been hacked, as a result unknown hackers have leaked and published personal information including usernames and phone numbers of about 4 Million plus users online. Hackers published the hacked data on a website SnapchatDB. The TechChurch reported that hackers at SnapchatDB accessed the data by exploiting a vulnerability which has been […]

Obama: I am not allowed to use iPhone for ‘security reasons’

Wednesday: I am not allowed to use iPhone for security reason: President Barak Obama. President Barak Obama has given an unusual statement during a meeting with American youth in order to promote his healthcare law in which he revealed that due to ‘security reasons’, he is not allowed to use Apple‘s iPhone yet he still uses iPad , Apple’s tablet […]

Israeli Mossad Hacked Millions of Phone Calls and Messages in France.

In a massive hacking scandal, a leaked document belonging to the US intelligence shows that Israel is behind hacking of thousands of text messages and phone calls in France. A report publishing in Le Monde suggests that agents of Israeli intelligence Mossad has its hands behind a massive cyber attack in May 2012 on Elysee Palace, attempting to hack […]

Couple in China ‘Sell’ Their Baby Daughter to Buy iPhone

A couple in Shanghai city of China is facing criminal charges for selling their infant daughter on an online forum in order to buy an iPhone.  The couple is facing charges for human trafficking after putting their child online for adoption and accepting money to buy newly released iPhone. The investigators have found out that mother […]

New IBM system adds “robust” security to smartphone banking and shopping

Cybercriminals are already targeting mobile banking apps as a “way in” to customer accounts – as witnessed in ESET’s discovery of a new, advanced Trojan, Hesperbot. But a new IBM system may help secure smartphones – by using near-field communications chips (NFC) for an additional layer of security. It’s the first system to allow “two-factor”