Top 5 Cool Apps to hack an iPhone in 2022

Can an iPhone be hacked? As you possibly understand, the iOS running system is constructed to be hacker-evidence. It also employs some severe statistics safety safeguards. Still, no matter how well-designed, Apple’s iOS can, certainly, be hacked. It’s no longer smooth, but it’s been finished before using numerous expert hackers. Of course, until you’re seriously […]

Is your phone listening to you?

Do social media listen in on our conversations in order to target us with ads? Or are we just a bit paranoid? A little test might speak a thousand words.

Top 10 iPhone Hacking Apps and Tools | 2020 Edition

Are you looking for iPhone hacking apps that you can use for penetration testing, forensic analysis, or reverse engineering? You are in the right place, as we have put together a list of the best tools for hackers and ethics developers who work with the iOS platform. Some of the important tools and applications: iRET, […]

This App Turns Your iPhone Into iPod Classic With Iconic Click Wheel

Apple usually doesn’t allow emulator apps in the App Store citing its strong review policies. However, Louis Anslow, an app creator, has managed to create an app that emulates the interface of iPod classic on your iPhone. Rewound is a free iOS app that turns your iPhone into an iPod Classic cleverly. The app creator […]

Now Anyone Can Make ‘Phone Calls’ Via Windows 10 Your Phone App

When talking about the Apple ecosystem, one of the things that I like is that you can receive phone calls on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Sadly, Android users haven’t been able to have that level of comfort until now. Microsoft has added the much-awaited phone call feature to its Your Phone app for Windows […]

This Xiaomi Electric Bike Has Twice As Big Battery As Your Smartphone’s

A Xiaomi Electric Bike is available for consumers to buy at $430 or Rs. 30,700. The brand new electric bike or e-Bike from Xiaomi, the Chinese smartphone brand, has been launched in China. Those familiar with Xiaomi know the brand’s involvement in almost every facet of consumer products in addition to mobile phones. Xiaomi makes […]

FBI advises to put duct tape over Smart TV camera and microphone

Ransomware on Your TV, Get Ready, It’s Coming Currently, smart TVs come with an Internet connection, which allows users to browse the web and watch programs from their favorite streaming platforms and also come equipped with microphones and cameras that allow users to control it by means of voice commands or to make live chats. […]

One again Zoom video conferencing gives hackers easy access to camera and microphone

Cisco recently issued a security alert for all companies using the Zoom Connector, mentioning that this driver could be used maliciously. According to vulnerability testing specialists, this potential malicious use consists of unauthorized access to Cisco devices through the Zoom Connector.  Apparently, this connector allows any user on the Internet who has a Specific Zoom […]

Turn Your Android Phone Into Google Pixel With Lawnchair Launcher 2.0

Many Android launchers strive to give a Google Pixel experience on your current Android devices; however, all of them fall short when compared to Lawnchair launcher. After months of development and beta versions, Lawnchair Launcher 2.0 is finally out for Android users to download from Google Play Store. What’s all the hype about? Lawnchair on […]

This Xiaomi Device Charges Your Smartphone & Keeps Your Hands Warm

Xiaomi is not only known for making decent smartphones at decent prices but also produces other quirky products with interesting capabilities. Among such devices, Xiaomi has now launched a new power bank in China that also doubles as a hand warmer. Xiaomi’s new power bank is also a hand warmer Xiaomi has launched a new […]

This iPhone Battery Charging Case Has A ‘Secret Button’ Trick

Since Apple released this year’s iPhone iteration — the iPhone 11 series — we saw the entry of several accessories for the three smartphones, both by Apple and other companies. One such accessory is by the Cupertino tech major itself, which comes with a secret button trick you need to know of. iPhone Charging Case […]

ATFuzzer – Dynamic Analysis Of AT Interface For Android Smartphones

“Opening Pandora’s Box through ATFuzzer: Dynamic Analysis of AT Interface for Android Smartphones” is accepted to the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2019. AbstractThis paper focuses on checking the correctness and robustness of the AT command interface exposed by the cellular baseband processor through Bluetooth and USB. A device’s application processor uses […]

This Dual-Screen Android Phone Is Also A Linux Computer

We rarely witness innovative products put up on crowdfunding campaign websites like Indiegogo emerge as commercial products. However, here is a company that has managed to ship its hybrid smartphone with dual-screen out in the real world. The Cosmo Communicator is a smartphone-computer inspired by hugely popular PDAs such as Nokia Communicator, Sharp Netwalker and […]

Tesla Model 3 Battery Drain After 22 Days Is Lower Than Your Smartphone

The Tesla Model 3 ‘Vampire’ battery drain is no longer a problem because after a span of 22 days the car’s battery drained only around 10% in the latest testing. The ‘Vampire’ battery drain testing was done by Bjorn Nyland, a Tesla Model 3 owner who also runs an EV-centric YouTube channel by the same […]

How To Stop Someone From Spying On Your Cell Phone

People have the right to privacy on their mobile phones. However, with the increase of malicious hackers and the use of third-party apps, this privacy is diminishing. Companies and cyber criminals look to obtain your data by any means, and use it to their advantage. However, most consumers don’t want their personal information getting in […]

Qualcomm vulnerability may reveal critical data in your Android phones

Recently, Check Point researchers analyze a vulnerability (CVE-2019-10574) discovered in the Qualcomm Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) for Android devices. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive device information. It is understood that this vulnerability exists in the way that Qualcomm implements TEE based on ARM TrustZone, which may cause problems such as protected […]

3 ways an attacker may compromise a phone without the victims knowledge

We carry our mobile phones everywhere with us. These devices store our personal information. If this data falls into the wrong hands, it can be disastrous for us. Hackers and scammers are already known to phish for personal information. They can use the data, including usernames, passwords, social security numbers, PINs, and bank account information, […]

Android Flaw Lets Camera Spy On You Even When Your Phone Is Locked

A security flaw in Android OS makes it possible for rogue apps to hijack a user’s smartphone camera and take pictures, record video, audio, and upload those files to an external server — all without users’ knowledge, even when the phone is locked! Cybersecurity firm Checkmarx uncovered these flaws back in July, but the findings […]