Samsung Galaxy S8 Iris Scanner Hacked

Chaos PC club hackers were able to defeat the Samsung Galaxy S8 Iris scanner gadget with an image. The Samsung Galaxy S8 first turned into released on April 21, 2017, and it has numerous biometrics-based authentication structures, containing face popularity, a fingerprint scanner, and an iris scanner. The iris authentication function enables users to liberate […]

Samsung Galaxy S8 Iris Scanner Fooled by a Photo

A photo of a person’s eye taken at a medium distance is more than enough to trick a Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone, according to researchers from the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). Samsung added the iris scanner authentication feature with the release of the Galaxy Note 7 model, launched last year, but the feature was hardly […]

scanless – Public Port Scan Scrapper

Command-line utility for websites that can perform port scans on your behalf. Useful for early stages of a penetration test or if you’d like to run a port scan on a host and have it not come from your IP address. scanless (adj): lacking respectable morals. That girl is scanless! Supported Online Port Scanners yougetsignal […]

Major Update of Acunetix Online Vulnerability Scanner

Acunetix Online has undergone a mammoth update, now enjoying all the features and benefits found in Acunetix On Premise, including: Integrated vulnerability management, greater manageability of threats and targets and the integration of popular WAFs and Issue Tracking systems. Acunetix Online also features a brand new UI for greater ease-of-use and manageability. New web-based user […]

Millions of Android Devices Vulnerable to Network Scan Attack

Researchers have recently discovered hundreds of vulnerable apps on Google Play Store which are allowing hackers to inject them with malicious code which, upon downloading, steal all data from an infected Android device. The problem, according to the researchers [PDF] is that some of the apps are creating open ports on smartphones, which is not a new […]

Scanning For Wireless Access Point Information Using Airodump-ng Kali Linux Tutorial

Hi welcome back today in this tutorial you will learn how to scan for various wireless network information using airodump-ng. This information will allow further attacks to be preformed on Wireless Access Points in range. Airodump-ng comes pre-installed in Kali Linux. If your using a different Linux operating system install airodump-ng by installing aircrack-ng. apt-get […]

Ops, hackers can exfiltrate data from air-gapped networks through a malware controlled via a scanner

A group of Israeli researchers has devised a new technique to exfiltrate data from a PC in an air-gapped network through malware controlled via scanners. The team was composed of Ben Nassi, a graduate student at the Cyber Security Research Center at Ben-Gurion University, and his advisor Yuval Elovici, based on an idea of the prominent cryptographer Adi Shamir. […]

Credit Card With Built In Fingerprint Scanner Launched By Mastercard

The credit card has unveiled its today’s fee card that has a built-in biometric fingerprint scanner, permitting customers to authorize payments with their fingerprint credit card, without requiring a PIN code or a signature. The organization is already trying out the new biometric price playing cards, mixed with the onboard chips, in South Africa and […]

Scan website for vulnerabilities with Uniscan Kali Linux Tutorial

Welcome back, in this tutorial you will learn how to scan and fingerprint a web server or device to find vulnerabilities.  To achieve this we will be using a tool called Uniscan. This tutorial will require a Linux Operating system we recommend installing Kali Linux if you have not already done so. Requirements:Kali Linux Uniscan […]

Sophisticated Android Based Banking Trojan “BankBot” Reach Play Store Which Avoid Detection by Google Security Scanner

[jpshare]Specifically Target to infect  Android  Trojan entered into Google Play store which give more pain to Google Security team to find this  malware “Android.BankBot.149.origin” . According to the Dr.Web Once this Malware Reached to the Android  Device , it force to user and grant the Admin privilege  and also Delete the Icon in the Home […]

New tech allows researchers to bypass fingerprint scanner on smartphone

It’s a common perception that we’re kind of safe by setting up fingerprints scanners on our smartphones. After all, what are the chances that someone in the world has the same fingerprint, and will try to break into our smartphones, right? Well, things are about to change after the researchers from Michigan State University, and […]

V3n0M-Scanner – Python Pentesting Scanner

Popular Pentesting scanner in Python3.6 for SQLi/XSS/LFI/RFI and other Vulns. [Live Project – Python3.6] V3n0M is a free and open source scanner. Evolved from baltazar’s scanner, it has adapted several new features that improve fuctionality and usability. It is mostly experimental software. This program is for finding and executing various vulnerabilities. It scavenges the […]

RCE Finder – Scan For Remote Code Execution Exploits

RCE_FINDER How to use root@kali:/rce_finder # python # LOGO ########################################## #| By Rudra Sarkar – @rudr4_sarkar # #| Loaded Modules : 1 # ########################################## [!] Scan URL or List of URLs? [1/2]: 1 [!] Enter the URL: [!] Finding for Remote Code/Command Execution [!] Covering Operating Systems [!] Please wait …. [+] Vulnerablity […]

Davscan – A Tool That Fingerprints servers, finds exploits, scans WebDAV

DAVScan Credits: Graph-X Download Davscan DAVScan is a quick and lightweight webdav scanner designed to discover hidden files and folders on DAV enabled webservers. The scanner works by taking advantage of overly privileged/misconfigured WebDAV servers or servers vulnerable to various disclosure or authentication bypass vulnerabilities. The scanner attempts to fingerprint the target server and then […]

Java Deserialization Scanner

All-in-one plugin for Burp Suite for the detection and the exploitation of Java deserialization vulnerabilities Download Java-Deserialization-Scanner Credits: federicodotta Java Deserialization Scanner Java Deserialization Scanner is a Burp Suite plugin aimed at detect and exploit Java deserialization vulnerabilities. It was written by Federico Dotta, a Security Expert at @ The plugin is made up […]

DAVScan – Fingerprints Servers, Finds Exploits & Scans WebDAV

DAVScan is a quick and lightweight webdav scanner designed to discover hidden files and folders on DAV enabled webservers. The scanner works by taking advantage of overly privileged/misconfigured WebDAV servers or servers vulnerable to various disclosure or authentication bypass vulnerabilities. The scanner attempts to fingerprint the target server and then spider the server based on […]

The new Linux/Rakos, malware threatening devices and servers under SSH scan (Again)

New linux Malware, dubbed Linux/Rakos is threatening devices and servers.The malware is written in the Go language and the binary is usually compressed with the standard  UPX tool. Linux/Rakos performed via brute force attempts at SSH logins, in a similar way to that in which many Linux worms operate, including Linux/Moose (which spread by attacking Telnet […]