WinRAR Exposed to Dangerous Vulnerability: Attack Just by Unzipping Files

Short Bytes: The latest WinRAR SFX v5.21 update has a serious vulnerability that allows remote attackers to execute any malicious code on your system. The latest release of the WinRAR software has been discovered with a serious flaw. As you unzip the SFX archive inside the RAR file, WinRAR a widely used software used to compress […]

XOR DDoS Attack Tool Being Used to Launch Over 20 Daily Attacks

Threat actors are using a previously discovered distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack tool dubbed XOR DDoS to launch upwards of 20 DoS attacks a day against targets in Asia and other parts of the world, new research showed. A High-Bandwidth DDoS Attack The attacks have ranged in bandwidth from less than 10 Gbps to over 150 […]

This New Linux Trojan Launches Deadly DDoS Attacks at 150+ Gpbs

Short Bytes: As more and more Linux systems are going online, the threat to the once-secure Linux systems is increasing. In a similar development, a new Trojan variant dubbed XOR DDoS is launching heavy DDoS traffic on Linux machines. A massive Trojan malware is out in the wild that cripples the Linux machines by launching […]

Hack attacks strike top porn sites

A malicious advertising campaign has targeted top adult sites like Pornhub and YouPorn. Several of the world’s most popular pornographic websites were struck by cyberattacks in the past week, according a blog post by the malware hunting software firm Malwarebytes. Sites infected with malicious code included Pornhub and YouPorn, both owned by the Luxembourg-based adult […]

Storing secret crypto keys in the Amazon cloud? New attack can steal them

Technique allows full recovery of 2048-bit RSA key stored in Amazon’s EC2 service. Piercing a key selling point of commercial cloud computing services, computer scientists have devised a hack that allows an attacker using Amazon’s EC2 platform to steal the secret cryptographic keys of other users. The proof-of-concept attack is significant because Amazon Web Services […]

New DDoS attack uses smartphone browsers to flood site with 4.5bn requests

Researchers have found that smartphone browsers can deliver a powerful flooding attack. Researchers suspect a mobile advertising network has been used to point hundreds of thousands of smartphone browsers at a website with the aim of knocking it offline. According to distributed denial-of-service protection service CloudFlare, one customer’s site recently came under fire from 4.5 […]

New Attacks Recall Old Problems with Browser Cookies

In case didn’t know or need a reminder, browser cookies aren’t exactly impervious to attack. The DHS-sponsored CERT at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University this week dropped an alert that warns users about the continued prevalence of a class of cookie vulnerabilities that puts users’ privacy and even financial well-being at risk. […]

Security wares like Kaspersky AV can make you more vulnerable to attacks

Antivirus applications and other security software are supposed to make users more secure, but a growing body of research shows that in some cases, they can open people to hacks they otherwise wouldn’t be vulnerable to. The latest example is antivirus and security software from Kaspersky Lab. Tavis Ormandy, a member of Google’s Project Zero […]

US Navy Developing Cyber Protection System to Protect Ships from Cyberattacks

The experts over at United States Navy are busy in the development of a cyber-protection system, codenamed RHIMES (the Resilient Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical Security), to enhance cybersecurity and to protect the Naval’s shipboard electrical and mechanical control systems from the cyber attacks, according to the Office of Naval Research. When the term cybersecurity appears […]

Phishing Attack Causes Bitcoin Payment Processor BitPay to Lose $1.8M

BitPay the Atlanta-based Bitcoin payment processor had been hit by a massive phishing attack costing the company $1.8 million. Verified by the documents owned by the Atlanta Business Chronicle, in this massive con pulled by a hacker pretending to be BitPay CFO Bryan Krohn, sent fake emails from his account in December sanctioning the transfer […]

New PoS Trojan Can Download Other Malware, Launch DDOS Attacks

The world of computer viruses and antivirus solutions is in a constant change, with cyber-crooks evolving their code and cyber-security firms trying to keep up but always being two steps behind. In recent years, malware targeting PoS (Point of Sale) stations has been constantly evolving, with new versions coming out almost each month, with businesses […]

“seL4” is an Unhackable Kernel for Keeping All Computers Safe From Cyberattack

Short Bytes: The Australian national research agency Data61 has developed an unhackable kernel named seL4 and proved its unhackable property mathematically. The kernel does this job by separating the critical systems and data from the kernel.  Today, the threat of cyber attacks isn’t just limited to computers and smartphones. With the ever-increasing intrusion of computers and […]

Hackers Using Amazon As A Bait For Phishing Attacks

A new phishing campaign has been doing the rounds on the Internet in which hackers are using Amazon UK’s fake email message as  bait to entice targeted user base for phishing attacks, a security research reveals. A blog post published by security and malware experts over at Malwarebytes blog which states that hackers are using spam email […]

Android’s 5.x Lock Screen may be bypassed by attackers

Android devices may be protected by a lock screen which requires some form of authentication before access to most phone features, its settings and the data stored on it is granted. Users may protect the phone by password, pin or pattern for example, and there are other means of protection available as well, for instance […]

Cisco Routers Vulnerable To Malware Attacks Via Backdoor Firmware Installation

It has always been believed that Cisco routers being used in the enterprise environment could be hacked via installation of backdoor firmware, but it was always just a theory. Now, security researchers over at Mandiant, an American cyber security firm and a FireEye company, have confirmed that hacking of Cisco routers through backdoor firmware installations […]

DD4BC Hacker Group Blackmails Companies for Bitcoin Using DDOS Attacks

A group of hackers that goes under the name of DD4BC, first spotted in September 2014, has recently intensified its activity, launching over 141 DDOS attacks in the past year. The group, identified and analyzed by Akamai’s Prolexic Security Engineering and Response Team (PLXsert), has been very busy in the past few months, launching numerous […]

Microsoft Patches Graphics Component Flaw Under Attack

Microsoft today patched a vulnerability in its graphics component present in Windows, Office and Lync that has been publicly attacked, and is one of five vulnerabilities patched this month that have been publicly disclosed. Microsoft released a dozen bulletins today, five of them it rates critical, including separate updates for Internet Explorer and the new […]

WhatsApp “MaliciousCard” Vulnerabilities Allowed Attackers to Compromise Hundreds of Millions of WhatsApp Users

WhatsApp Web is a web-based extension of the WhatsApp application on your phone. The web application mirrors all messages sent and received, and fully synchronize your phone and your desktop computer so that users can see all messages on both devices. WhatsApp Web is available for most WhatsApp supported platforms, including Android, iPhone (iOS), Windows Phone 8.x, BlackBerry, BB10 and […]