Simple Tips to manage and Prevent Social Engineering Attacks

The web is an interconnected maze consisting of people, organization and computers. The easiest way to hack into such a system is to find the weakest link between them. Usually, the human link is always the weakest and therefore the easiest route to hack into any organization computer network. Consequently, modern-day hackers have shifted from […]

How This Facebook Glitch Gave Me a Massive Heart Attack

It happened about two hours ago. Facebook nearly gave me and my friend Arpit, the co-founders of fossBytes, a massive heart-attack. Yes, this happened with us. Keep reading. It’s a true story. It was a usual day at work and we were finished with today’s work. As it was the second day of Microsoft’s Developer […]

New Google Chrome extension will save you from Phishing Attacks

Google has recently unveiled a new Chrome extension called Password Alert, designed as a defense tool for phishing threats by issuing an early warning alert for users. Password Alert will compare a hashed version of your password to a password you enter into a browser and a warning will be issued in the event that […]

China Attacks on Facebook Using The Great Cannon

For the past few days, we have been hearing about the Great Cannon. This Great firewall system developed by China is terrorizing the whole internet world by its potential to hijack anything and everything. Now the terror has started to spread its wings and taken it’s first attack on none other than Facebook. It should be […]

How to Detect NSA’s Complex “Quantum Insert” Attacks

In the past, whistleblower Edward Snowden has exposed numerous hacking operations run by the US intelligence agency NSA. Out of all these methods, there’s this one particular method that stood above the other. The Quantum Insert, the man-on-the-side hacking technique, is now known for its complexity and furtiveness. Along with NSA, its British counterpart GCHQ […]

Government Agencies Attacked Tor based Darknet Email Service SIGAINT

What is the news? The popular Darknet email service, SIGAINT, has warned its users that its email service has become a target of a government attack. SIGAINT was targeted by an attacker who tried to hack the email service my utilizing 70 bad Tor exit nodes about a week ago. SIGAINT is an email service that […]

18-year-old Vulnerability Lets Attackers Steal Data From All Versions of Windows

Researcher Aaron Spangler identified a bug in Internet Explorer back in 1997. This flaw allowed stealing of user credentials through Windows Server Message Block protocol. Now, after almost eighteen years, Cylance Wallace, a senior researcher at SPEAR research team, discovered a larger vulnerability while testing a messaging app keeping that particular bug in mind. This […]

GitHub is Fully Functional Now, Know Why GitHub Was Under Continuous Cyber Attack from China?

Update: GitHub is fully functional now. Old Story: GitHub, one of the most popular websites among programmers and developers is was under continuous attack from Chinese hackers. The collaborative project development website is was facing a massive DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attack. Whenever GitHub users outside China are trying to access web pages with advertisements served by […]

GitHub Facing Massive DDoS Attack From China

Update: GitHub is fully functional now. Everything operating normally. — GitHub Status (@githubstatus) March 31, 2015 GitHub is one the most popular websites among programmers and developers and is currently having 3.4 million users with 2.2 million active repositories. This software development web site used for collaborative projects is currently being hit by a massive […]

France Announces New Spying Regulations After Terrorist Attacks

On Thursday, the Prime Minister of France Manuel Valls revealed debatable new laws that will allow intelligence agencies to gather cellphone and Internet data from alleged jihadists. The new set of laws will let officials and authorities to spy on the mobile and online communications of the alleged terrorist organizations and anyone who shares connection […]

China Blocks Reuters Website After DDoS Attack On The Great Firewall of China

The Great Firewall of China known for censoring/blocking websites in the country was under DDoS attack  which caused a blockage of Reuters’ news website in China on Friday. The content of the website was blocked and could not be accessed later on Thursday. Both the English and Chinese version were inaccessible but the Chinese clients could still […]