Hackers Threaten Massive Cyber Attack on Brazil Fifa World Cup

SAO PAULO — Brazilian hackers are threatening to disrupt the World Cup with attacks ranging from jamming websites to data theft, adding cyberwarfare to the list of challenges for a competition already marred by protests, delays and overspending. In a country with rampant online crime, a challenging telecommunications infrastructure and little experience with cyberattacks, authorities […]

British Airways e‑ticket malware attack launched via email

If you have received an unexpected email, claiming to come from British Airways, about an upcoming flight that you haven’t booked – please be on your guard.

Online criminals are attempting to infect innocent users’ computers, by disguising their attack as an e-ticket from the airline.

The 400Gbps largest DDoS attack has hit Europe using NTP Amplification

For temporary abandoning the services of the host that is connected to some internet, the most widely used and favorite method that is employed by hackers is the “Distributed Denial of Services DDoS”. Almost all the big websites till date have fall victim to this attack at different times. For the purpose of boosting these […]

NSA Surveillance Fails to Prevent Terrorist Attacks: Report

The US government’s extensive dragnet across the country keeping track of almost everything that travels across the internet and following every single phone call has not helped much in preventing terrorist attacks, according to a report released by the New America Foundation, a Washington-based nonprofit policy group. The group analyzed 225 terrorism cases in the […]

Indian hacker hacks Lashkar-e-Taiba’s Jamat ul Dawa website against Mumbai attacks

An Indian hacker going with the handle of Godzilla has hacked and defaced two official websites of Lashkar-e-Taiba’s political wing ‘Jamat ul Dawa’ organization on the 5th anniversary of 2008’s Mumbai attacks. The hacker left a deface page along with a message against the organization, Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI and Pakistan Army. The defaced page was expressed […]

Chronology of a Skype attack

By the middle of May, users around the world started to receive messages from their contacts through different instant-messaging applications, such as Skype and Gtalk – an attack that showed off how age-old techniques can ensnare thousands of users. Here, we analyze this attack.