Surveillance Drones Now Being Deployed on German Railway Stations

The drones which fly at the height of 150 yards will be utilized at the graffiti “hotspots” such as the big German cities of Berlin, Cologne, Leipzig and Hamburg confirmed by the spokesman for Deutsche Bahn. The latest indication of the rising civilian market for remote controlled aerial reconnaissance is the use of drones.

As per the EU report which was published in the last September, a firm having the roots in Europe has developed about 400 drones.

Telegraph reports that the drones which Deutsche Bahn uses cost 600 euro’s each and are invented by German firm micro drones which also involved in marketing the machine for analyzing traffic accidents, landscape photography and monitoring crops.

The drones are a meter broad, from the top of one router arm to the other one. They will be coated with paint in Deutsche Bahn’s red livery.

A spoke person for Deutsche Bahn Jens Oliver Voss said that due to German’s privacy laws the drones won’t be used near stations or other areas where there is a chance of members of the public to be caught on the film.

  • Mr. Voss said (Quoting the pure statement) “The drones will not be used at stations, but at places like depots. They can be used to search large areas, which are difficult to patrol on foot,”
  • “They will be used in combination with security guards, identifying graffiti-sprayers so they can be apprehended by security forces, who can hand them over to police.”

Deutsche Bahn is denying saying up till now how many of the drones they have purchased. It cost Deutsche Bahn 7.6 million euro’s a year to remove graffiti.

Big BrotherdronesSpyingSpying Dronessurveillance