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cyber attacks

Police Shut Down xDedic – An Online Market for Cyber Criminals

In an international operation involving law enforcement authorities from the U.S. and several European countries, feds have shut down an online underground marketplace and arrested three suspects in Ukraine. Dubbed xDedic, the illegal online marketplace let cybercriminals buy, sell or rent out access to thousands of hacked computers and servers across the world and personally […]

Europol Now Going After People Who Bought DDoS-for-Hire Services

If you were a buyer of any online DDoS-for-hire service, you might be in trouble. After taking down and arresting the operators of the world’s biggest DDoS-for-hire service last year, the authorities are now in hunt for customers who bought the service that helped cyber criminals launch millions of attacks against several banks, government institutions, […]

How to Recover Lost or Deleted Files?

Have you ever lost your important files, like memories or official documents, accidentally or maliciously? Adding more… when you even do not have any backup for the same. Unfortunate, right? We’ve all been there. Just last week I formatted my computer and later found that I didn’t have any backup for some recently saved important […]

New FaceTime Bug Lets Callers Hear and See You Without You Picking Up

If you own an Apple device, you should immediately turn OFF FaceTime app for a few days. A jaw-dropping unpatched privacy bug has been uncovered in Apple’s popular video and audio call app FaceTime that could let someone hear or see you before you even pick up their call. The bug is going viral on […]

Researchers Release Tool That Finds Vulnerable Robots on the Internet

A team at a robot cybersecurity startup has released a free, open-source tool for information security professionals to help them easily ‘footprint’ and detect unprotected robots, not only connected to the Internet, but also to the industrial environments where they operate. Dubbed “Aztarna,” the framework has been developed by Alias Robotics, a Spanish cybersecurity firm […]

New Exploit Threatens Over 9,000 Hackable Cisco RV320/RV325 Routers Worldwide

If the connectivity and security of your organization rely on Cisco RV320 or RV325 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN routers, then you need to immediately install the latest firmware update released by the vendor last week. Cyber attackers have actively been exploiting two newly patched high-severity router vulnerabilities in the wild after a security researcher released […]

GandCrab ransomware and Ursnif virus spreading via MS Word macros

Security researchers have discovered two separate malware campaigns, one of which is distributing the Ursnif data-stealing trojan and the GandCrab ransomware in the wild, whereas the second one is only infecting victims with Ursnif malware. Though both malware campaigns appear to be a work of two separate cybercriminal groups, we find many similarities in them. […]

China Blocks Microsoft’s Bing Search Engine, Despite Offering Censored Results

China has blocked Microsoft-owned search engine Bing, the company confirmed after receiving complaints from users throughout the country who took to social media beginning late Wednesday to express concerns. So, Bing becomes the latest service to be shut down by Chinese government behind its so-called Great Firewall of China, which blocks thousands of websites originating […]

Millions of PCs Found Running Outdated Versions of Popular Software

It is 2019, and millions of computers still either have at least one outdated application installed or run outdated operating systems, making themselves vulnerable to online threats and known security vulnerabilities/exploits. Security vendor Avast has released its PC Trends Report 2019 revealing that millions of users are making themselves vulnerable to cyber attacks by keeping […]

DHS Orders U.S. Federal Agencies to Audit DNS Security for Their Domains

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has today issued an “emergency directive” to all federal agencies ordering IT staff to audit DNS records for their respective website domains, or other agency-managed domains, within next 10 business days. The emergency security alert came in the wake of a series of recent incidents involving DNS hijacking, […]

Chinese Hacker Publishes PoC for Remote iOS 12 Jailbreak On iPhone X

Here we have great news for all iPhone Jailbreak lovers and concerning one for the rest of iPhone users. A Chinese cybersecurity researcher has today revealed technical details of critical vulnerabilities in Apple Safari web browser and iOS that could allow a remote attacker to jailbreak and compromise victims’ iPhoneX running iOS 12.1.2 and before […]

Someone Hacked PHP PEAR Site and Replaced the Official Package Manager

Beware! If you have downloaded PHP PEAR package manager from its official website in past 6 months, we are sorry to say that your server might have been compromised. Last week, the maintainers at PEAR took down the official website of the PEAR ( after they found that someone has replaced original PHP PEAR package […]

Critical RCE Flaw in Linux APT Allows Remote Attackers to Hack Systems

Just in time… Cybersecurity experts this week fighting over Twitter in favor of not using HTTPS and suggesting software developers to only rely on signature-based package verification just because APT on Linux also does the same. Just today, a security researcher revealed details of a critical remote code execution flaw in Linux APT, exploitation of […]

New malware found using Google Drive as its command-and-control server

Since most security tools also keep an eye on the network traffic to detect malicious IP addresses, attackers are increasingly adopting infrastructure of legitimate services in their attacks to hide their malicious activities. Cybersecurity researchers have now spotted a new malware attack campaign linked to the notorious DarkHydrus APT group that uses Google Drive as […]

Google fined $57 million by France for lack of transparency and consent

The French data protection watchdog CNIL has issued its first fine of €50 million (around $57 million) under the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law that came into force in May last year. The fine has been levied on Google for “lack of transparency, inadequate information and lack of valid consent regarding […]

Alleged Russian Hacker Pleads Not Guilty After Extradition to United States

A Russian hacker indicted by a United States court for his involvement in online ad fraud schemes that defrauded multiple American companies out of tens of millions of dollars pleaded not guilty on Friday in a courtroom in Brooklyn, New York. Aleksandr Zhukov, 38, was arrested in November last year by Bulgarian authorities after the […]

Police Can’t Force You To Unlock Your Phone Using Face or Fingerprint Scan

Can feds force you to unlock your iPhone or Android phone? …”NO” A Northern California judge has ruled that federal authorities can’t force you to unlock your smartphone using your fingerprints or other biometric features such as facial recognition—even with a warrant. The ruling came in the case of two unspecified suspects allegedly using Facebook […]

New Android Malware Apps Use Motion Sensor to Evade Detection

Even after so many efforts by Google for preventing its Play Store from malware, shady apps somehow managed to fool its anti-malware protections and get into its service to infect Android users with malware. Two such Android apps have recently been spotted on the Google Play Store by security researchers with the Trend Micro malware […]

A Twitter Bug Left Android Users’ Private Tweets Exposed For 4 Years

Twitter just admitted that the social network accidentally revealed some Android users’ protected tweets to the public for more than 4 years — a kind of privacy blunder that you’d typically expect from Facebook. When you sign up for Twitter, all your Tweets are public by default, allowing anyone to view and interact with your […]

5 Popular Web Hosting Services Found Vulnerable to Multiple Flaws

A security researcher has discovered multiple one-click client-side vulnerabilities in the some of the world’s most popular and widely-used web hosting companies that could have put millions of their customers as well as billions of their sites’ visitors at risk of hacking.Independent researcher and bug-hunter Paulos Yibelo, who shared his new research with The Hacker […]

Unprotected Government Server Exposes Years of FBI Investigations

A massive government data belonging to the Oklahoma Department of Securities (ODS) was left unsecured on a storage server for at least a week, exposing a whopping 3 terabytes of data containing millions of sensitive files. The unsecured storage server, discovered by Greg Pollock, a researcher with cybersecurity firm UpGuard, also contained decades worth of […]