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BlackNurse Attack Can Bring an Entire Business Offline with Just One Laptop

Forget hacking IoT devices — Researchers have discovered a new denial of service (DoS) technique called BlackNurse that can disrupt high-end network hardware with nothing but just a single laptop. A newly discovered Denial of Service method can easily sabotage high-end network hardware without even needing extensive equipment. It needs one laptop to fulfill the […]

DoS And DDoS Attacks — The Origin Of A Species

Short Bytes: Over the last few months, we’ve seen some of the largest DDoS attacks to date and, by far, the most disruptive. You probably didn’t know that DoS and DDoS attacks are so effective because they are based on war strategies that have been fine-tuned over centuries. Read on to learn how, despite being worlds apart […]

Top Russian Banks Suffer Powerful DDoS Attacks

Russian banks suffered Powerful DDoS Attacks — Good news is that attacks were successfully mitigated. On Tuesday afternoon, around five mainstream banks in Russia were targeted with two-days-long series of continuous DDoS attacks launched through a wide-scale botnet that involved 24,000 computer systems from 30 different countries. However, the banks managed to prevent the online client services […]

WikiLeaks Releases DNCLeak2; Suffers Massive DDoS Attack

The official website of WikiLeaks suffered a brief outage when it came under DDoS attacks right after posting new DNC e-mails earlier today. WikiLeaks has revealed that their email publication server has been suffering massive DDoS attacks since the platform published a new trove of DNC e-mails dubbed as DNCLeak2). On Twitter, WikiLeaks announced that their website […]

Hackers Just Used Mirai Botnet To Shut Down The Internet Of An Entire Country

Short Bytes: Botnet 14, a Mirai botnet, has knocked offline the internet of an entire country. Over the week, Botnet 14 targetted Liberia, a little-known African country, and sent its internet systems offline multiple times. Security researcher Kevin Beaumont, who was one the first people to spot the attack, has said that “these attacks appear to […]

Hacker arrested for Jamming 911 Emergency Call System with DDoS Attack

Hacker who Jammed Nation-wide 911 Emergency Call System with DDoS Attack Caught by Police — He also tweeted a javascript exploit that was used by 1,000 people to DDoS 911 system. Meetkumar Hiteshbhai Desai from Arizona was caught and arrested [PDF] by the police for allegedly triggering a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack on the 911 […]

HackForums delete “Server Stress Testing” amidst links with Dyn DDoS Attack Delete “Server Stress Testing” Section amidst Allegations of Facilitating DDoS Attacks., a famous forum for hackers has shut down the Server Stress Testing (SST) section because it is suspected to have offered paid distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on Dyn due to which the huge internet disruption occurred on Friday 21st. The purpose of […]

This IoT Scanner Shows if Your Device is Vulnerable to be used in DDoS Attacks

The UK-based consumer security company BullGuard has developed an Internet of Things Scanner that lets you check if your device is available for public access — As of now, nearly 200 million devices could be vulnerable. If you remember the 1 Tbps DDoS attack on French-based OVH hosting company you may also remember that it was conducted […]

DDoS Attack on Dyn: Largest of Its Kind Involving 100,000 Mirai Botnets

Mirai botnet played a vital role in Dyn DDoS attack – Researchers believe the attack was up to 1.2 Tbps Last week HackRead reported the involvement of Mirai botnet in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on Dyn DNS, an Internet performance management company. Now, experts have also revealed that Mirai played a major role during […]

Hacker Selling Hacked IoT Botnet for DDoS Attacks up to 1Tbps

If you thought darknet is all about drugs, ransomware or stolen data think again — Hackers are selling DDoS botnet on the darknet which means it’s now a business. Last Friday was a huge setback for various web services including Twitter, Paypal etc. Nevertheless, it has recently been discovered that a group of hackers is […]

Firm recall webcams after confirming involvement in Dyn DDoS attack

The webcams played a role in the massive DDoS attacks on Dyn servers and now the company is recalling them. The sophisticated DDoS attacks on Dyn servers took the world by surprise when 10s of millions of hacked IP addresses forced Internet giants like Twitter, PayPal, SoundCloud and others to go offline. Now, one by one […]

Hacker Who DDoSed Boston Hospital for OpJustina Facing Charges

The DDoS attacks caused a loss of hundreds of thousand dollars in 2014- He claimed the attacks were against hospital’s alleged bad treatment of youth with serious emotional, psychological and medical problems. Earlier last week on Wednesday, a hacker by the name of Martin Gottesfeld was charged with targeting Boston Children’s Hospital and the Wayside Youth […]

DDoS attack on Dyn involved 10s of millions of hacked IP addresses

The DDoS attack on Dyn’s server was not only massive but highly sophisticated and came from millions of hacked IP addresses. By now you should be aware of what happened with Dyn’s DNS servers two days ago when Internet was almost taken down by a series of massive DDoS attacks. Several IT security companies already discovered Mirai […]

Mirai Botnet Linked to Massive DDoS Attacks on Dyn DNS

The DDoS attack on Dyn DNS was carried out using Mirai malware botnet — Mirai is a DDoS nightmare turning Internet of things (IoT) into a botnet of things. Yesterday’s DDoS attack on Dyn’s DNS was like an earthquake that was felt worldwide when the top and most visited sites on the Internet went offline for hours. Although […]

Dyn DDoS Attack: Here’s How Hackers Took Down Half Of The Internet

Short Bytes: As a result of a massive cyberattack on Dyn DNS, many popular online services and websites went offline on Friday. The attack comprised of 3 back-to-back DDoS attacks that were, probably, launched by a botnet comprising of smart messages. Now, the services have been restored and the FBI is investigating all potential causes of […]

Half Of The Internet Is Down Right Now, Here’s Why (Updated)

Short Bytes: Dyn DNS is facing a massive DDoS attack that’s resulting in a widespread service outage. Many websites are facing partial or complete downtime. While Dyn DNS continues to face the DDoS attack, the forces behind the same remain unknown. Servers of Dyn, a major DNS host, is experiencing a massive distributed denial of […]

DDoS Attack on DNS; Major sites including GitHub PSN, Twitter Suffering Outage

Major websites have gone down worldwide — The reason is still unclear but a major DNS provider is suffering a massive DDoS attack and experts are connecting the dots. Twitter, Reddit, Spotify, Etsy, Box, Wix Customer Sites Squarespace Customer Sites and bunch of other websites were offline earlier today. That’s because someone conducted a massive distributed […]

Hackers are increasingly targeting IoT Devices with Mirai DDoS Malware

Mirai Malware Causing Havoc Among IoT Devices Manufacturers and Security Experts after its source was published online. Since the developer of Mirai malware published its source code online, the Internet of Things (IoT) devices has become highly vulnerable to malware infections. In fact, research suggests that the number of Mirai infected IoT devices have increased […]