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8 Most Awesome Hacks Conducted By Anonymous Hackers

According to researchers, Anonymous hacktivists group is relatively much bigger than you anticipated and become quite popular among people all over the world. News about their existence first became public on social media, with members shown flaunting Guy Fawkes masks. It was all quite fitting, with the group calling themselves Anonymous and wearing such masks in all […]

Anonymous Targets Nigerian Government Sites, Wages War Against Corruption

Appalled by Corruption, Theft & Poverty- Anonymous Declares Cyberwar against Nigerian Government Anonymous, the infamous hacktivist group having footprints around the world, waged a cyber war against the Nigerian government on Friday. The group’s Nigeria division announced in an online post that they are ”tired” of the relentless corruption, poverty and theft prevailing in Nigeria […]

BTCC Bitcoin Trader Confronts DDoS Attackers Like A Pro

Bitcoin-for-DDoS extortion scheme has a new victim and its none other than the BTCC — However, the hacker was unfortunate this time as the company was capable financially and had implemented advanced DDoSprotection measures beforehand. On 31st December, the first of the series of DDoS attacks on BTCC, a renowned Bitcoin trader company, took place, […]

Anonymous Takes Down Top Saudi Arabian Government Websites

Anonymous took things in its hands and conducted cyber attacks on Saudi government websites against the execution of Nimr Al Nimr. The online hacktivist Anonymous is not happy with the recent execution of 47 people in the Kingdom and to register their protest the hacktivists conducted a series of cyber attacks on high-profile Saudi Arabian […]

PlayStation Network is Back Online, Phantom Squad Claims They DDoSed It

Sony’s PlayStation network is back online after hours of outage worldwide — A Phantom Squad Twitter account claims they took the network down. A few hours ago it was reported that Sony’s PlayStation network on PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 were down worldwide. Now, the good news for gamers is that the service is back online […]

DDoS Attack Shuts Down Saudi Ministry of Defense Website

The official website of Saudi Ministry of Defense faced DDoS attack on Sunday amid tensions between Iran and KSA. A group of unknown hackers conducted a DDoS attack on Saudi Arabian Ministry of Defense website forcing it to stay offline for more than 24 hours. The Iranian news agency Fars reports that the hackers behind […]

Hackers Shut Down Donald Trump Election Campaign Website

The official Election Campaign website of American Presidential candidate Donald Trump was taken offline by hackers who earlier claimed to conduct a cyber attack on BBC websites. The group goes with the handle of New World Hacktivists (NWH) and associated with the hacker collective Anonymous but conduct its operation as an independent entity who conducted […]

Powerful DDoS Attack Shuts Down All BBC Websites

A powerful cyber attack earlier today forced all British Broadcasting websites (BBC) to go offline and unavailable for readers for several hours. The cyber attack started at 0700 GMT forcing visitors to view the offline page of all BBC website with a 500 Internal Error. Screenshot from BBC website showing Internal error after the DDoS attack / […]

DoS Attack on Steam Exposed Details of 34K Users on Christmas Day

A DoS attack reportedly revealed account details of around 34K users of Steam, a popular gaming platform, to others. Moreover, the service remained down on Christmas while the company was busy identifying those affected by the attack. Steam also confirmed that its website was attacked on Christmas Day and details of 34,000 users might have been leaked. The attack […]

Anonymous Target Turkish Banks, Disrupt Credit Card Transactions

Anonymous hackers have conducted yet another cyber attack on Turkey’s cyberspace targeting its banking system. The online hacktivist Anonymous has conducted another series of cyber attacks on Turkey and, this time, their target was the backbone of the country ie. the banking sector. According to local media, several banks were hit with powerful DDoS attack […]

Hackers Shutdown EA and Steam Servers Because It’s Christmas

Last week HR reported about a hacking group “Phantom Squad” that is planning ruin holidays for the gamers. It looks like the group has started working on turning their plans into reality — However, another group known as SkidNP has also joined the attacks and shut down Steam servers. EA Servers: The group Phantom Squad […]

New Bug Lets You Crush Anyone’s WhatsApp with 4000 Smileys

Do you know crashing Whatsapp desktop or mobile version doesn’t require advanced hacking skills or machinery, what you need is 4000 smileys? Yes, it’s true, you need 4000 smileys to crash WhatsApp. This bug was exposed by a security researcher (Indrajeet Bhuyan) who during his experiments typed in 4000 smileys and the WhatsApp’s desktop version got […]

Anonymous Hacks 100 Websites To Protest Against Whale Killing

Short Bytes: This Sunday, Japan police revealed that the hacktivist collective Anonymous has attacked about 100 websites in Japan since September. The group has taken the responsibility of attacks and labeled it as a response to Japan’s whale-hunting policies. Talking about the big names, the personal website of the Japanese Prime Minister was also targeted. The hacktivist […]

Anonymous Claims Responsibility For 40 Gbps DDoS Attack on Turkish Servers

The online hacktivist Anonymous has claimed the responsibility for a massive 40Gbps DDoS attack on Turkish DNS Servers under — The reason behind the attack is that Turkey is allegedly supporting and aiding the Daesh or ISIS/ISIL terrorist group. In a video uploaded by Anonymous, the hacktivists said that their attack on Turkish servers was […]

Hackers Vow To ShutDown PlayStation, XboxLive This Christmas

Last New Years Eve, a hacking group “Lizard Squad” spoiled the party for gamers with a DDoS attack on the Play Station network and Xbox Live — Now there’s a new group vows to do the same this X-Mas. This year another group “Phantom Group” (@PhantomSquad) is threatening to do the same, their aim is […]

Internet Connected Car Hacked and DDoSed via Smartphone

Hiroyuki Inoue, associate professor at Hiroshima City University’s Graduate School of Information Sciences in Japan showed how an app and a custom wifi device can be ingredients for car hacking. For the demonstration he used a 2013 Toyota Corolla Fielder Hybrid and was able to control its doors, speedometer displays and the accelerator, reports the Japan […]

Why Identity is A Major Asset Online

  ShortRead: Why the loss of identity online can lead to severe consequences, no matter how solid and reliable your preventive measures for security are. It has been really hard for IT experts and security evangelists to come up with the most suitable security system, which will prevent attacks and hacks online. Over the years, […]

11 Ongoing Anonymous Operations You Must Know About

Anonymous is known for conducting cyber attacks against injustice but not every operation makes it to the news — There are several ongoing ops which the readers should know about. There are some campaigns which Anonymous collective has been running and are hardly ever noticed by anyone. Most of the readers only know the famous […]

Anonymous Knockoff Donald Trump’ Website Against Anti-Muslim Speech

Remember a couple of months ago a hacker defaced Donald Trump’s official website with a tribute message for Jon Stewart? — Now Anonymous has done the same but with a DDoS attack. The online hacktivist group Anonymous has conducted a powerful DDoS attack on one of the Donald trump’s website for Trump Tower New York “” […]