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Anonymous Crushes Japan Prime Minister Website Against Whale Hunt

Earlier this year we reported Anonymous is targeting Japanese airport websites against dolphin slaughter in the country — The cyber attacks were conducted under the banner of operation OpKillingBay. Now, Anonymous group is believed to have attacked the website of Japanese Prime Minister “Shinzo Abe” in protest to the resumption of the hunting of Whales […]

Massive DDoS Attack Leaves UK Universities Without Internet

Some unknown cyber criminals have attacked a publicly funded network “Janet” which was used by many universities throughout the United Kingdom. On Monday morning, students from different universities began to face problem in accessing the network and soon it was discovered that the network has faced a DDoS attack which didn’t allow the student to […]

Accidental DDoS takes down Google’s European cloud

Google got accidentally DDoSed by an unnamed European network carrier, sending its cloud service offline on the old continent for about an hour. The incident occurred last Monday, but it is only now that Google has decided to explain exactly what happened. According to a Google blog post, the accidental denial of service happened in […]

Anonymous Crushes Almost Every Iceland Govt Site Against Whale Slaughter

Anonymous kicked started the operation #OpWhales and shut down almost all the Iceland government websites for about 13 hours as a protest against the whaling practices in Iceland. The online Hacktivist group launched a DDoS attack on 27th November at night during the #OpWhales and successfully shutting down every ministry website except the Ministry of Welfare. […]

Turkish Attackers Shut Down Russian Central Bank Website

Turkish hackers just took down the official website of Russian Central Bank amid tension near Syrian-Turkey border.  A group of Turkish hacktivist going with the handle of Turk Hack Team has conducted a powerful DDoS attack on the official website of Russian Central Bank earlier today forcing it to go offline for over 10 minutes.  […]

This Group Spies on ISIS Rather Than Exposing Twitter Handles

The readers know about Anonymous waging war against ISIS, but hardly anyone knows about a group which has been working quietly (well, sort of) against the terror group and claims to have averted least one terror attack from ISIS. Anonymous has been largely involved in identifying and taking down of ISIS member accounts, but this […]

Court Charges Kid with Bomb Threats and DDoS Attacks

A 15-year-old guy in Plymouth has been arrested by British police on the charges of launching DDoS attacks and for sending false bomb alerts via social media. According to the police, the boy was involved in launching DDoS attacks to servers belonging to companies in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. Furthermore, he also sent false […]

CloudFlare CEO Denies Anonymous’ allegation of protecting ISIS sites

In a reaction to Paris Attacks last Friday, Anonymous declared a war against the ISIS on Monday and were determined to knock ISIS-linked sites and hack their social media accounts which are a big medium of spreading their false ideology and of choosing their sympathizers to spread it. While fighting this war, the Anonymous yesterday […]

Hacker Develops Undisputed KillerRat to Spy on Windows PCs

Egyptian Hacker Uses njRAT Codebase to Create KillerRat — The RAT goes completely hidden upon scanning. A new Remote Access Trojan/RAT has been created by an Egyptian hacker, which is so powerful that it lets hackers run their operations with advanced spying powers and without getting identified. The most interesting is that the old structure […]

Pay or we’ll knock your site offline—DDoS-for-ransom attacks surge

One of the Internet’s oldest and crudest attacks experiences a resurgence. A number of sites have been hit by distributed denial-of-service attacks over the past week. Strong enough to knock some of them offline for days at a time, these DDoS attacks have been launched by extortionists demanding thousands of dollars in ransom money. One of […]

Linux Systems Are Responsible for 50% DDoS Attacks in Past 3 Months

Short Bytes: DDoS attacks are targeting the networks and websites all over the world relentlessly. In the past three mnths, there has been more than 100% rise in the DDoS attacks and Linux-powered machines are becoming a bigger player. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are one of the most popular cyberthreats faced by the […]

NSA-proof ProtonMail Service DDoSed, Forced to Pay $6000 as Ransom

In 2014, a team of privacy advocates launched ProtonMail and claimed that it’s an NSA-proof email service. The service was such a massive hit that the developers came up with its Android and iOS apps. But something went wrong this week with ProtonMail when it got under powerful DDoS attacks by unknown cyber criminals and forced to […]

Hackers Found Conducting DDoS Attacks Through Hacked CCTV Cameras

Researchers have found out that hackers took over around 900 CCTV cameras with weak login credentials and used them as a DDosS botnet that runs all around the world. According to the researchers from Incapsula, it was really easy for hackers to hack into these CCTV cameras by conducting a simple brute force attack. Researchers further […]

UK’s largest Telecom Group TalkTalk Hacked, 4 Million Users at Risk

TalkTalk (UK’s largest broadband and mobile phones service provider) has possibly faced one of the biggest breaches in the history of cyber breaches. According to some of the reports, millions could be affected as the company currently has more or less 4 million customers from all over the UK and their personal and financial data […]

Are You Under the Attack of CCTV Botnet?

Short Bytes: Internet of Things are constantly being targeted by attackers to get the better off of the companies or individuals. CCTV surveillance cameras are generally preferred for the purpose. Make sure you do not come under the attack of CCTV botnet. Botnet is a network of infected computers (fast replaced by IoTs now) that […]

LTE Security Flaw Puts Android Devices Vulnerable to DDoS Attack

An alert from Carnegie Mellon University CERT database reveals how Android devices are affected by LTE security flaw and use for DDoS attacks. The alert says nearly all the users on Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks are vulnerable to denial of service attacks (DDoS) from the hackers. The most vulnerable are the android users on […]

Anonymous Targets Belgian Government, Knocks Prime Minister’s Website Off

The online hacktivist group Anonymous Belgian conducted a series of DDoS attacks on the official website of Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, the Brussels parliament and the website of Federal Public Services Home Affairs this Sunday. The attack was conducted under the banner #OpGuerilla. Anonymous took the accomplishment to Twitter, announcing that the group has […]

Hacker Caught Spying on Users’ Webcams During Sexual Activities

A hacker named Stefan Rigo used intrusive software known as Blackshades to gain access and control over strangers’ webcams. The computers of a couple got hacked by a cyber criminal,  but the worst part is that the hacker could easily watch them having sex from the compromised webcam. Apparently, the 33-year-old Stefan Rigo used Blackshades malware, a sort of intrusive software and gained control over […]

This New Linux Trojan Launches Deadly DDoS Attacks at 150+ Gpbs

Short Bytes: As more and more Linux systems are going online, the threat to the once-secure Linux systems is increasing. In a similar development, a new Trojan variant dubbed XOR DDoS is launching heavy DDoS traffic on Linux machines. A massive Trojan malware is out in the wild that cripples the Linux machines by launching […]

Anonymous Knocks Down Zimbabwe Herald Website

Zimbabwe government’s websites are apparently in great danger yet again since the infamous hacktivist group is using DDoS this time to get its message through. Zimbabwe Herald is a state-run newspaper but on Friday its name was flashed in the news all over the world since Anonymous attacked it on grounds that it encouraged racism. […]

Anonymous Offshoot GhostSec Launches Another Phase of Attacks Against ISIS

Another phase of an online battle against the members of the so-called Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) group has been launched throughout the world by the Anonymous hacktivists. These activists are targeting and attacking the online network of supporters and suspected websites of the IS group. Recently, an emerging offshot of the Anonymous group codenamed GhostSec has revealed […]