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Lizard Squad Shuts Down British National Crime Agency Site

The United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency (NCA) website was taken down by the cyber-attackers using Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, apparently as an act of revenge for taking the users of Lizard Squad users under custody. After the DDoS attack, the website remained offline for more than three hours. This happened just within a […]

DDoS Attacks Are Now Stronger Than Ever, 12 Mega Attacks in Recent Times

Image: Dailydot Short Bytes: The infamous DDoS attacks have increased at a staggering pace in the recent past. According to a latest report, DDoS attacks have grown by 132 percent compared to this time last year. The internet has also witnessed 12 Mega Attacks in Q2 2015.   Do you know that Pentagon has announced that […]

Lizard Squad cyber-attackers disrupt National Crime Agency website

Cyber-attackers launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) violation on law enforcement agency in apparent revenge for previous arrests. Cyber-attackers have taken down the website of the National Crime Agency (NCA) in apparent revenge for arrests made last week. The NCA website was temporarily down on Tuesday morning, four days after six teenagers were released on […]

BitTorrent Patches Flaw That Allowed Website Killing DRDoS Attacks

Short Bytes: Today in its blog, BitTorrent announced that it has fixed a vulnerability that allowed the attackers to take down websites by carrying out distributed reflective denial of service attacks (DRDoS). Recently Florian Adamsky gave a presentation at a USENIX Workshop tell the possibilities of exploiting UDP-based protocols for DRDoS attacks. uTorrent, BitTorrent, and […]

What Is A DDoS Attack? How DDoS Attack Works?

Short Bytes: DDoS attack is one of the favorite tools used by hackers to disrupt an online service. Here, we are going to tell you more about the attack using an easy-to-understand infographic. Most of us are aware of the fact that DDoS attack- Distributed Denial of Service- is one of the most common attacks […]

Your BitTorrent Client Can Be Exploited for DoS Attacks, Research Warns

Short Bytes: According to a new research, your BitTorrent client and BitTorrent Sync can be targeted and successfully exploited for DoS (Denial of Service) attacks. Attackers can use BitTorrent protocols to amplify and reflect traffic using the fellow torrent users using the original bandwidth. The paper named “P2P File-sharing in Hell: Exploiting BitTorrent Vulnerabilities to […]

Gas Stations Offering Internet-linked Fuel Tanks New Target for Hackers

In 2013, we at HackRead reported how oil and gas sector faces serious physical and online security threats. Now researchers have found out that hackers like to hunt for gas stations offering Internet-linked fuel tanks. With the expansion in modernized gas stations offering Internet-linked fuel tanks, it is also imperative that proper security measures are […]

Anonymous Brings Down Taiwan Government Websites

The online hacktivist Anonymous has shut down Taiwan government websites and has termed the act as “just the beginning” of a series of attacks. Anonymous’ Asian branch has issued a warning that the recent crippling of Taiwanese government websites is only the “beginning.” Boasting about its numerous conquests on Anonymous Asia’s Facebook page the hacktivists […]

Anti-abortion Hackers Shut Down Planned Parenthood Website

On 29th July 2015, we reported how a group of anti-abortionist hackers hacked into the servers of Planned Parenthood, a pro-abortion organization. Now, the same hackers have conducted a massive DDoS attack on the organization’s website forcing it to go offline.  The cyber attack was apparently conducted in the wake of controversial videos revealing that the organization […]

Anonymous Targets Canadian Police, Crashes RCMP’s Website

This week, on July 17th, there was a police-involved shooting in Dawson Creek, British Columbia Canada, where one of the members of hacktivist group Anonymous was killed. On the following day, members of the international activist group Anonymous reportedly claimed that they have crashed the Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP’s website as a part of […]

DDoS Ransom Notes, to Honor or Not to Honor?

In the wake of cyber crimes, a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is something to be on the look-out for. Lately, these attacks have seen phenomenal growth not only with regard to the increasing number of cases but also to new twists of development they are gaining. DDoS attacks, as the name suggests, bar […]

Anonymous Shuts Down Canada Spy Agency Website

The online hacktivist Anonymous conducted a massive DDoS attack on the official website of Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and forced it to go offline. The attack was conducted against the approval of anti-terror Bill C-51 that provides Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) immense powers as it can violate digital privacy of any one at any time in the name of […]

Anonymous Shuts Down Canadian Govt Websites Against Bill C-51

The online hacktivist Anonymous claimed responsibility for conducting DDoS attacks on Canadian government servers against the approval of anti-terror law C-51 that weakens Internet privacy.  On 11th June 2015, we reported that Canada approved controversial anti-terror law C-51 that actually provides Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) immense powers as it can violate digital privacy of any one […]

Teen hires attacker to DDoS his school district

A high school boy might have to face state and federal charges for allegedly hiring a third party and launching a DDoS attack against the West Ada school district, Idaho, US. A 17-year old high school student (the name cannot be disclosed because of him being a minor) might be accused of launching a distributed […]

Anonymous Steals 1 Terabyte Passwords From Expo 2015 in Italy

Anonymous Italian attackers continue to haunt the Expo 2015 Universal Exposition being hosted in Milan as it faces an array of attacks under the Operation Italy (#OpItaly). There is a whole team force of hackers aimed at targeting systems of the organization and its affiliated companies and their latest prey is the online ticketing sale […]

Anonymous Hijacks Thousands of Insecure Routers to Power Its DDoS Tools

Lack of some elementary security measures can risk your router’s security and this has stemmed to grow into a large-scale denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks using these hacker-controlled routers. A web security firm Incapsula has discovered a new router based botnet Mr Black while investigating some DDoS attacks against its customers since this December. Hackers exploited routers’ […]

GitHub website is down – Turkish hackers claim they did it

GitHub, the web-based Git repository hosting service is down right now and Turkish hackers from Turk Hack Team claim they are behind this attack. In an exclusive conversation with one of the hacker from THT on Twitter HackRead was told the reason for targeting GitHub ( is nothing but fun.  THT is the same group who last […]

Cyberwar: Armenian, Turkish hackers targeting each other’s govt websites

The cyberwar between Armenian and Turkish hackers is reaching a new height. It begin with Pope Francis’ remarks in which he used the word ‘genocide’ to refer to mass killings of Armenians by Turks. In reply, Turkish hackers conducted a DDoS attack and shutdown the official website of Vatican City. The same Turkish hackers then started targeting […]