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Canadian firm hit by non-stop extortion-based DDoS attacks

Although unconfirmed; the notorious REvil ransomware gang could be behind the DDoS attacks on A Quebec-based Internet phone service provider, which offers voice-over-IP services, has been down since September 17th. Reportedly, the firm is being held to ransom after becoming a victim of a massive and sustained DDoS attack. The assault has severely […]

REvil ransomware gang is back after disappearing amid Kaseya attack

The official .Onion website of REvil ransomware gang is back online while its chat platform and clearnet site is still offline. The official website of the REvil ransomware gang (aka Sodinokibi) which is accessible through the Tor browser is back online after mysteriously going offline in July 2021. It is yet unclear whether the original […]

Yandex hit by largest DDoS attack involving 200,000 hacked devices

Yandex, a Russia-based technology and search engine giant, has confirmed that its servers were targeted with cyber history’s largest DDoS attack last week. In its blog post published on 9 September, Yandex revealed that the company discovered a powerful new network of botnets that have carried out DDoS attacks not just against Runet, Russia’s version […]

SOVA: New Android Banking Trojan Emerges With Growing Capabilities

A mix of banking applications, cryptocurrency wallets, and shopping apps from the U.S. and Spain are the target of a newly discovered Android trojan that could enable attackers to siphon personally identifiable information from infected devices, including banking credentials and open the door for on-device fraud. Dubbed S.O.V.A. (referring to the Russian word for owl), […]

REvil gang hits UK ITSPs with series of extortion-based DDoS attacks

Reportedly, the REvil ransomware gang is using DDoS attacks to make huge ransom demands from victim companies VoIP Unlimited and Voipfone. Two Internet and Telephony Service Providers (ITSP) in the United Kingdom, the South Coast-based VoIP Unlimited and London-based Voipfone, got their services disrupted for several days after suffering a series of Massive DDoS attacks. […]

Human rights watchdog ‘Karapatan’ hit by weeks long DDOS attacks

The official website of Karapatan has been suffering a series of DDoS attacks since July 29th and were still ongoing as of yesterday, August 18th. Swedish media foundation, Qurium, reported that a Philippine-based human rights alliance Karapatan is the latest victim of targeted DDoS attacks. Karapatan’s website,, suffered a series of DDoS attacks on July […]

Hacker selling DDOS-Guard database, source code, pirate sites data

It is time for anti-piracy groups to rejoice as the database of DDoS-Guard is reportedly on sale on a hacking forum. It is an infamous bulletproof hosting service dubbed a ‘notorious market’ that many pirate websites use. The service is known for hosting numerous file-sharing giants, including BS., S., and Go-Unlimited file hosting services. The […]

Major EU country hit by crippling DDoS attacks

Over 200 Belgian Websites Become Target of a Series of DDoS Attacks Including Belgian Federal Parliament and Police. Websites of over 200 Belgian organizations, including government, parliament, research institutes, scientific institutes, ministries, and universities, went offline after a large-scale DDoS attack targeted Belnet, a major ISP provider in the country. How did it start? The […]

Avaddon hackers steal SIM card data from Telstra service provider

A Melbourne-based service provider called Communication, which is a platinum partner of telecom giant Telstra has become a victim of a series of cyber-attacks including DDoS attacks. can confirm that hackers from the Avaddon ransomware gang are claiming to have gained access to “tens of thousands” of SIM cards. The Australian telecom company supplies […]

Apex Legend players banned for winning via DDoS attacks

Gaming studio Respawn has banned two Apex Legend players for winning via DDoS attacks which caused connectivity issues for other players. Respawn Entertainment, LLC, an American video game development studio has banned two Apex Legends players on the Xbox One version of the game for illegally winning ranked matches. Reportedly, the pair was caught DDoS-ing […]

Cyber attack cripples networks in city of Pensacola days after shooting

Lately, we have observed a sudden rise in cyber attacks against cities and towns around the world including the US, the latest victim of which is the city of Pensacola. The city’s Mayor Grover Robinson has acknowledged that an extensive cyber attack on Friday crippled several City services in Pensacola, Florida including city phones, emails, […]

Chinese DDoS tool Great Cannon resurfaces to target Hong Kong protestors

China is greatly disturbed by the ongoing pro-democracy, anti-Beijing protests in Hong Kong and has been targeting all the digital forums protestors are using to organize protests. One of the favored tactics of the Chinese government is of launching a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attacks).  In September this year, HackRead reported that LIHKG, an online […]

Roboto Botnet Exploiting Linux Webmin Server RCE Vulnerability To Perform DDoS Attack

A new wave of Roboto Botnet activities being discovered that attack the Linux Webmin servers by exploiting the RCE vulnerability using vulnerability scanning and P2P control module. Roboto Botnet initially detected via 360Netlab Unknown Threat Detection System as an ELF( Executable Linkable Format) file in august, later, honeypot detects another suspicious ELF sample which acts […]

Labour Party’s campaign sites hit by DDoS Attack

A spokesperson from the Labour Party in the United Kingdom has confirmed that the party’s digital platforms suffered a massive DDoS attack due to which its security systems were blocked. The attack occurred only a few weeks before the General Elections due on December 12, 2019, however, it is also claimed that none of the […]

How can I protect myself from hackers if I want to start a blog?

So, you run the publication’s website or maintain your own blog. You publish what you think is necessary, and someone may not like it. Potentially, your blog is at risk and can become a target of hacker attacks. To prevent cyber-attacks, you need to be able to protect your site by building up the all-round defense. Protect? But from what? You should be able to protect your […]

AWS hit by massive DDoS attacks that lasted 8 hours

Under “usual circumstances,” AWS makes headlines for exposing databases of companies using its services. A few days ago (Oct 22, 2019), the world’s large cloud services provider – Amazon Web Services (AWS) – was hit by a series of DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service) resulting in portions of it going offline for several hours. […]

How your work phone could be a huge security threat

You know about cyber security and mobile network vulnerabilities. You’ve heard of DDoS attacks. You might have even moved on from your petsname123 password.  Reports show, however, that around one in three organizations have willingly sacrificed mobile device security for business performance. Although we’ve heard of these risks, their intangibility and a seeming lack of […]

Dark web data center in former NATO bunker seized for hosting child porn

Bulletproof hoster not so Bulletproof after all. Authorities in Germany have raided, busted and seized a massive data bunker called “Cyberbunker 2.0” used by dark web criminals to run drugs, explicit child content and other illegal activities.  The data center was being run inside a former NATO bunker in the town of Traben-Trarbach in Western […]

Wikipedia Hacked – Hackers Take Down the Website with Massive DDOS Attack

Wikipedia Hacked: cybercriminals have launched a massive DDOS attack on Wikipedia and take down the website in several countries in Europe and parts of the Middle East. Wikipedia is a global encyclopedia and worlds biggest knowledge repository accessed by more than a billion users every month. DDoS Attack is one of most dangerous threat for any […]

Wikipedia suffers DDoS attack causing worldwide service disruption

The DDoS attack on Wikipedia is first of its kind. The popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia has suffered a DDoS attack over the weekend that crippled its service preventing millions of users from accessing the platform. On Friday according to Down Detector’s Outage Map, a service that keeps track of online platforms facing connectivity issues, Wikipedia […]