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Website used by Hong Kong protesters suffers DDoS attack

The prime suspect of the DDoS attack is China. An online forum used by activists behind the ongoing Hong Kong protests has suffered a DDoS attack forcing its servers to go offline for a short period of time. The targeted website called LIHKG, is a popular platform in Hong Kong often referred to as Reddit’s […]

Solving the Cyber Security Problem: Mission Impossible

Why nothing is working in cyber security? Cyber Securities Book of Revelations. I spend a fair amount of time in my current role thinking about future cyber-attacks. Some folks may call this “threat modeling” or even “cyber threat intelligence.” I recently had several revelations about cyber security which although not as nearly as spectacular as […]

VLC Media Player Has Critical Security Flaw [Updated: Devs Deny All Claims]

Update VideoLAN has tweeted that the security issue reported by CERT-Bund is not as severe as claimed. VideoLAN says the issue lies in a third-party library, called libebml, that was fixed 16 months ago. VLC makers say that the claim was based on a previous (and outdated) version of VLC. Meanwhile, the VLC CVE has […]

Twitter is down – Twitter’s website & app suffering outage (Updated)

As surprising as it may sound, Facebook is up but Twitter is down. The online news and social networking site Twitter is down right now after suffering a massive outage. This comes as a surprise since Twitter has a proven track record of maintaining its service even when social media giants like Facebook and Instagram […]

Hacker Sentenced 27 months in prison for Launching Massive DDoS Attacks on Sony and Gaming Networks

A man from Utah sentenced 27 months in prison for launching massive DDoS attack against Sony and online gaming companies and its servers. Austin Thompson (23) malicious hacker resides in Utah involved denial-of-service hacking attacks against multiple victims between 2013 and 2014.  Austin was Pleaded Guilty in Federal court in last year November for DoS attack and […]

Telegram messaging service hit by massive DDoS attack

It is unclear why Telegram was targeted or who was behind the DDoS attack. The popular privacy-focused instant messaging application service Telegram has suffered a massive DDoS attack in which its service in the United States and several other countries has been disrupted, the company has revealed. The DDoS attack began targeting Telegram’s servers around […]

Who and Why Make DDoS Attacks on The Site of Colleges and Universities ?

Sites of colleges and universities are constantly subject to DDOS attacks. But who does it? do students really need to drop sites?” Hacking is a major vice of this generations young adult. Usually, it starts with the basics like hacking Wi-Fi password or a Facebook or Instagram account for pranks or just to be mean […]

The Pitfalls of Keeping Your Ports Wide Open

Based on security assessment results, penetration testers often recommend hiding an enterprise network’s ports behind a whitelist. However, corporate IT teams don’t always understand the need for such a countermeasure. Even some admins and DevOps specialists with tons of experience wonder why this is necessary. Let’s take a dive into the risks of keeping ports […]

New Electrum DDoS botnet steals $4.6M after infecting 152,000 hosts

The majority of the bots are located in Brazil and Peru but the number of victims is constantly increasing across diverse regions. Threat actors who previously targeted cryptocurrency wallets through Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have now launched another malware loader to facilitate their botnet Trojan. This time, they have used the Smoke Loader […]

DDoS Attack Prevention Method on Your Enterprise’s Systems – A Detailed Report

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack aims to exhaust the resources of a network, application or service so that genuine users cannot gain access. There are different types of DDoS attacks, but in general, a DDoS assault is launched simultaneously from multiple different hosts and can affect the availability of even the largest enterprises’ internet services […]

DDoS Attack Unleashed – 500 Million packets-per-second

DDoS attacks are launched aiming to exhaust the resources of network, application or service so that the legitimate users unable to access the resource. Imperva mitigated a high-intensity DDoS attack for one of their customers which crossed 500 million packets per second (Mpps) mark which 4 times higher than the DDo attack on Github happened last […]

Operation Power OFF -Authorities Tracking Down the largest Market place offering DDoS-for-hire Services

The Operation Power OFF has taken down the largest illegal market place offering DDoS-for-hire service Webstresser[.]org last April. Authorities collected 151 000 registered users information for the services. After the services have been taken down, now the authorities tracking down the users enrolled for the DDoS-for-hire service. Coordinated by Europol along with J-CAT, Dutch police, […]

A New Massive DDoS Attack bit-and-Piece Pattern Targeting Internet Service Providers

Internet service providers hit with a new stealthy volumetric attack by injecting the malicious traffic with the legitimate traffic to evade detection. Attackers carry out an advanced reconnaissance method to covertly gathers information about mission-critical IP address and inject pieces of attack traffic with the legitimate traffic to evade detection. Nexusguard called this stealthy attack […]

Distributed Denial o Secrets: a new competitor for WikiLeaks

The cyberactivism has a new anonymous face According to Salvador Ruiz, network security specialist from the International Institute of Cyber Security, Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDOS) is a transparency collective whose main goal is to enable the free transmission of public interest data. DDOS aims to avoid any political, corporate or personal leanings, and simply […]

Man whose DDoS attacks took down entire country’s Internet jailed

A court in London has sentenced a British and Israeli cyber criminal Daniel Kaye aka “BestBuy and Popopret” to two years and eight months in prison for conducting large scale DDoS attacks on Lonestar Cell MTN disrupting country’s Internet and causing tens of millions of dollars in damages. Kaye (30) was charged for DDoS attacks against British and German […]

Anonymous hacker jailed for 10 years over hospital DDoS attacks

He conducted those DDoS attacks for #OpJustina back in 2014. In April 2014, Martin Gottesfeld (34) from Massachusetts claimed his affiliation with the online hacking group Anonymous and conducted a series of massive DDoS attacks (distributed denial-of-service) on Boston Children’s Hospital and the Wayside Youth Family Support. Gottesfeld further maintained that the DDoS attacks were against hospital’s alleged bad treatment […]

FBI Seized 15 DDOS For Hire Websites, 3 Operators Were Charged

Earlier, the US Department of Justice announced today that the FBI had confiscated the domains of 15 DDoS For Hire websites for compensation and accused three people of using some of these services. Subscription DDoS or “Booter” or “Stresser” services provide rental access to the network of infected devices, which can then be used by […]