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Firefox Monitor tool informs users if they have been hacked

The Firefox Monitor will be launched next week – The tool aims at alerting users if their email has been compromised. Last year, HackRead reported that Mozilla Foundation is planning to join hands with (HIBP), a popular data breach notification website and the aim of it will be to send an in-browser alert to Firefox browser users if they […]

Now Make Your Firefox Account Safer With New Two Factor Authentication

It seems that tech giants, finally, are gearing up to make portals more secure. In an announcement made yesterday, Mozilla has announced two-factor authentication for Firefox accounts. It is an optional security feature that will require inserting authentication code after signing in your Firefox account with your credentials. The newly introduced two-step verification feature is […]

Fake Chrome & Firefox browser update lead users to malware infection

Another day, another malware scam – This one uses Chrome and Firefox browsers as bait to infect Windows users.  The IT security researchers at Malwarebytes have discovered a malware campaign that aims at infecting devices by tricking users into downloading malicious files disguised as Chrome and Firefox browser updates. Malware campaign targets sites on popular CMS […]

Popular VPNs Leaking Your Real IP Address Through WebRTC Leak

Paolo Stagno, an Italian security researcher using the online moniker VoidSec, has revealed a startling new discovery about virtual private networks or VPNs. As per the findings of Stagno, nearly 23% of VPN providers are still leaking IP addresses of users through the VPN flaw dubbed as WebRTC Leak. This means, if you are connected […]

Hackers pwn Edge, Firefox, Safari, macOS, & VirtualBox at Pwn2Own 2018

The white hat hackers at Pwn2Own 2018, have once again proved their elite skills and exposed critical security existing vulnerabilities in the products developed by popular vendors like Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Oracle. The Pwn2Own 2018 was organized by cybersecurity giant Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative at CanSecWest Vancouver, BC where hackers from all over the world took place […]

Beware! These “Forced” Chrome And Firefox Extensions Are Almost Impossible To Remove

Google Chrome is often labeled as one of the best web browsers around for all the right reasons. Players like Firefox are competing by adding innovative features, but Chrome continues to enjoy an unparalleled popularity. However, this doesn’t mean that Chrome is 100% secure. A security researcher has spotted malicious add-ons that’s almost impossible to delete. These […]

12 Best Free And Open Source Android Apps Every User Should Try In 2018

Other than Google, one of the reasons why Android flourished so quickly is because it is an open source operating system. It might be possible if the world’s most famous mobile OS were proprietary, you wouldn’t have been reading this post. Because there are things that even the mighty Google failed to establish, just like these […]

How To Open Any Website From Almost Any Screen On Your Windows PC?

There are more than a billion websites existing on the web today. But the average number of websites a netizen visits on a regular basis might be less than 10 per day. When talking about everyday computer usage, after the PC boots up, a person has to open a web browser, type the URL in […]

Mr. Robot plugin found in all the instances of Mozilla Firefox Quantum

A new plug-in called “Looking Glass” discovered in each instance of the new Firefox Quantum browser. It was turned off by default, but users were still scared to see a plugin they hadn’t installed. When they examined to see what “Looking Glass” did, they found a vague and ominous release notes “MY REALITY IS JUST DIFFERENT […]

Firefox to collaborate with HaveIBeenPwned to alert users on data breach

Mozilla is joining hands with popular data breach notification website (HIBP) to send an in-browser alert to Firefox browser users if they are visiting a site that was previously hacked and whether their login credentials have been involved in a data breach. “This is an addon that I’m going to be using for prototyping an upcoming […]

Ubuntu News: Get Firefox Quantum Update Now; Ubuntu 18.04 New Icon Theme Confirmed

Updating to Firefox Quantum in Ubuntu Earlier this week, Mozilla earned big praises in the tech world for launching its next-generation Firefox Quantum 57.0 web browser. The browser claims to be faster and better than market leader Google Chrome. Now, Firefox Quantum is available for all supported Ubuntu versions from the official repositories. The Firefox […]

Sandboxing support has been added to Firefox for Linux

The Firefox sandboxing innovation confines the browser from the operating system in a way to block web attacks from using a vulnerability in the browser engine and its logical functions to attack the underlying OS, place malware on the filesystem, or remove local files. Chrome has regularly run inside a sandbox. Initially, Firefox ran only […]

Critical Tor Browser Vulnerability Leaks User’s Real IP Address

A critical Tor Browser vulnerability that could transmit their real IP addresses to possible attackers when they visit certain types of web pages. Discovered by Italian security researcher Filippo Cavallarin, the tor browser vulnerability lies in Firefox that also affects the Tor browser, because the privacy service that allows users to browse the web anonymously […]

Websites need to ask permission to extract fingerprints from the user in Firefox 58

Canvas fingerprinting relies on websites meaning able to receive data from HTML canvas details calmly. In future, Firefox users will be required to give their approval before that wrenching can take place, just as users of the Tor Browser are. The community in behavior to Tor Browser is no chance. That privacy-first browser is really […]

If you use Canvas Image Firefox Flags your Website

Canvas fingerprinting is a byproduct of the HTML5 Canvas technology that all browser inventors attached to their browsers. As is the problem with many technologies, it can be used for great or evil, and in the case of canvas fingerprinting it is to follow users. While there is no primary option available to switch off […]

Fake Chrome & Firefox Font Update Drops RAT and Locky Ransomware

Google Chrome with 2 billion active users is the most used web browser in the world. At the same time, Firefox has over 1 billion active users making these two perfect and lucrative targets for hackers and cyber criminals. Recently, Brad Duncan, an IT security researcher discovered a campaign called “EITest” targeting unsuspecting Chrome users that […]

How To Block Movie Spoilers, Tech Rumors, And Unrelated Content On The Internet

Short Bytes: You can block tech rumors, movie spoilers, and big TV show twists on the internet by using content filtering extensions available for different web browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. These extensions and add-ons block movie spoilers based on specific keywords provided by you. People love to drop spoiler bombs minutes after […]

How To Make Firefox Faster By Enabling Multi-Process E10S Manually?

We recently told you about the rollout of Firefox’s multiprocess feature called Electrolysis with up to four content processes by default. Sadly, many people seeing Electrolysis as disabled by default even after updating to Firefox 54. But it doesn’t mean they have to keep them away from the latest development which could place Firefox ahead of […]