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Beware; Sophisticated Phishing Attacks Using Unicode Characters

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera browsers are known for their tight security measures, yet they are often targeted by malicious actors because of the fact that these are the most used browsers worldwide. As a result of the tight security measures, hackers have come up with a new technique to target users with a highly […]

Flaws in LastPass Password Manager Allowed Hackers to Steal Credentials

Travis Ormandy, a researcher at Google project zero, found some critical security flaws in the famous password manager LastPass which could allow hackers to steal passwords. At first, it was the LastPass version 3.3.2 which was reported to have the bug. Mr. Ormandy hasn’t made his finding public until now, and it looks like LastPass […]

Websites Can Now Track User Activity Within Multiple Web Browsers

You might be privy to websites, banks, shops, and advertisers tracking your on-line sports using one-of-a-kind net “fingerprinting” strategies even in incognito/private mode, but now sites can music you everywhere on line — even though you switch browsers it track user activity. A group of researchers has lately advanced a move-browser fingerprinting technique — the […]

What Is Target Blank Anchor Tag Phishing Attack? How To Prevent It?

Short Bytes: When one hits a link (anchor tag) on a web page, and it opens in a new browser tab, there are chances that a hacker might have taken control over your original tab web page. This is caused because of the absence of an important HTML element attribute rel=”noopener”. And it has some serious performance benefits […]

Mozilla says Firefox Klar does not Collect User Data from iOS Devices

A German security researcher Peter Welchering stated in an interview for a German newspaper namely Deutschlandfunk that Mozilla Foundation is collecting users’ personal data through the iOS version of Firefox Klar. Welchering’s findings were seconded by another researcher Hermann Sauer. The researchers collaborated together to evaluate the new app and identified the majority of data […]

How To Disable Youtube Autoplay | Stop Autoplay In Chrome, Firefox, Opera

Short Bytes: There are different extensions like ImprovedTube, FlashStopper, and YouTube Plus using which you can disable autoplay functionality and set default video on streaming website YouTube.  Watching YouTube videos is a nightmare if you have a slow connection. As soon as you open a video, it automatically selects a quality and starts downloading the […]

Firefox 0day in the wild is being used to attack Tor users

Publicly released exploit works reliably against a wide range of Firefox versions. There’s a zero-day exploit in the wild that’s being used to execute malicious code on the computers of people using Tor and possibly other users of the Firefox browser, officials of the anonymity service confirmed Tuesday. Word of the previously unknown Firefox vulnerability […]

Firefox vulnerable to Malicious Add On Attacks

Firefox is vulnerable to a Malicious Add On Attacks. A critical vulnerability which is in the fully patched version of the Mozilla’s Firefox browser that could allow well resourced attackers to launch man-in-the-middle (MITM) impersonation attacks and also affects the Tor anonymity network. Firefox automatically updates installed add-ons over an HTTPS connection. In order to […]

Chrome and Firefox mark as Malicious Site Again

The Pirate Bay is under the radar again! Chrome and FireFox now show ThePirateBay domain as a malicious site to visit while Comodo’s secure DNS shows TPB is a hacking website. In May 2016 when ThePirateBay was still on .SE, the extensions in Google Chrome, FireF0x and Safari browsers marked the domain as potentially dangerous to visit. Their […]


Chrome, Firefox and likely other major browsers are afflicted by a vulnerability that allows attackers to spoof URLs in the address bar. While Mozilla said it has patched the flaw in the affected Android version of the Firefox browser, Google said Chrome will be fixed in an upcoming September release. Some details about the flaw […]

Pakistani Hacker Gets $5000 for Reporting Flaws in Chrome and FireFox

Rafay Baloch is a Pakistani ethical hacker who is known and respected worldwide — This time, he reported an Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability in Chrome and FireFox and earned $5000 in return! Rafay Baloch, a Pakistani security researcher and ethical hacker discovered a critical security flaw in Chrome and FireFox browsers that would let an attacker […]

LastPass hacked; security compromised for good

LastPass password manager had its security compromised by two white hackers in two days — It turned out sometimes it’s good to be hacked by good hackers! Mathias Karlsson, an IT security researcher recently breached the security of popular password managers LastPass and reported the issue to the firm. It all happened when Karlsson noticed LastPass has […]

Massive Security Boost: TOR Privacy Features Are Coming To Mozilla Firefox

Short Bytes: In order to make your web browsing experience a lot better, Mozilla is integrating some key privacy features of TOR browser into its Firefox web browser. These features will go live with the final Firefox 50 release and make it a better Google Chrome alternative.  TOR software suite is often regarded as one […]

Kickass Torrents Community Targeted with Phishing Scam

KickassTorrents community targeted with phishing scam — This shows you can trust every link you click Last year HackRead revealed breathtaking stats exposing how torrenting websites are earning millions of dollars annually yet spending nothing on security and dropping malware on users’ PC. We also talked about how Fallout 4 fans were tricked into downloading a fake […]

Is the FBI Hiding a Firefox Zero-Day?

After FBiOS, get ready for Mozilla vs. the FBI.A question posed by a researcher from the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, California has led many to believe, even us, that the FBI may be sitting on a Firefox zero-day which it is currently fighting in US courts to keep secret. All the time while […]

Google increases bug bounty reward for Chromebook to $100,000

Google bug bounty program will now pay you more than you can image – So get ready! Since launching its bugs bounty program in 2010, Google has paid over $6 million to security researchers who have been finding bugs. The company still wants to appreciate the investigators and they have shown it by making two […]

What Is The Best Windows 10 Web Browser – According To Benchmark Tests

Short Bytes: When we talk about the best Windows 10 web browsers, our list narrows down to Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc. Microsoft has invested heavily in Microsoft Edge and the results are reflected in the benchmark scores. However, Chrome manages to retain its spot as the best Windows 10 browser and Edge still needs some […]