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Hackers Empty Target Bank Accounts Using Innovative BackSwap Malware

A Newly discovered sophisticated BackSwap Malware Empty victims bank account using most innovative methods and employes new technique to bypass browser protection. Nowadays banking Trojan attacks evolving with various technique and continuously targeting vicitms bank account and the prevention become more and more complex. BackSwap Malware changing the traditional complex process injection to new innovative methods […]

FBI: Protect yourself from VPNFilter malware; reboot your router now

VPNFilter malware was part of a nasty botnet that infected over half a million devices in over 54 countries. Last Wednesday, The US Justice Department revealed how the FBI seized a domain that was hosting a botnet of 500,000 compromised home and office (SOHO) routers and network-access storage (NAS) devices in over 54 countries – These devices were developed by Linksys, TP-Link, MikroTik, and NETGEAR. […]

Hackers Infect More than 500,000 Routers Worldwide with a Potentially Destructive VPNFilter Malware

Hackers infected more than 500,000 in at least 54 countries with a potentially destructive malware dubbed VPNFilter malware. It is a multi-stage malware that supports both data gathering and destructive cyber attack operations. Now the malware actively targeting Ukraine hosts at a rapid phase. According to Talos researchers who uncovered VPNFilter malware, this is a […]

500,000 Routers In 54 Countries Hacked To Create Massive Botnet Army

The Cisco security research team has unearthed a hacking attack that targets more than 500,000 consumer Wi-Fi routers. These infected routers can be used to create a massive botnet army and launch a heavyweight cyberattack. As per the findings, this attack seems to be a work of some state-sponsored actor. The malware used to infect […]

Man will be Sentenced Upto 35 years in Prison For Offer Illegal Anti-Virus Services to Computer Hackers

A Man who resided in Latvian has been arrested for running illegal Anti-Virus operation called “Scan4you,” that helps malware authors to test their samples and confirm whether it would be detected by any other antivirus software. His operation provide some of the sophisticated services for the world’s most destructive hackers to perform various detection test and […]

Roaming Mantis malware evolve to preys on PC, Android and iOS users

Recently, researchers unveiled a DNS hijacking campaign that was found to spread malware from banking Trojans to Android smartphone users mostly in Asia, which has now extended its reach to iOS and PC users. Mantis Roaming malware now targets IOS devices for phishing attacks. A publication of Kaspersky Lab in April, gave details about the […]

Roaming Mantis malware Targeting iOS, Android And Desktop Users Worldwide

The widespread DNS hijacking Roaming Mantis malware of routers that recently found the targeting of Android devices has been updated to target iOS devices and desktop users. Nicknamed Mantis Roaming, malware was originally found hijacked by Internet routers last month to distribute Android banking malware designed to steal user login credentials and a secret code […]

Sun Team Hacking Group Insert Spyware on Korean Victims Devices to Steal photos, Contacts, and SMS

An underground hacking group called “Sun Team” distributing spyware on Korean based victims and infiltrate the sensitive information from their devices. Cybercriminals insert malware on google play store in various apps names such as ApplockFree, FastAppLock, and few other names. Once the victims download and install the malware,  it copies sensitive information including personal photos, contacts, and SMS messages […]

Beware!! Hackers Distributing Spyware via Comments Section of YouTube Videos and Spy Your Windows PC

Newly discovered a powerful spyware distributed via YouTube Videos comments sections and the spyware is capable of steal files and other confidential information from infected devices. A Malicious Link that distributed via YouTube comments focusing on a computer game called cheats and trainers related videos that make easier to play the computer games. Cybercriminal generates a malicious […]

Meet MEWKit, a tricky phishing attack draining Ethereum wallets

Another day, another phishing attack trying to steal Ethereum cryptocurrency but this time there is a twist since the scam involves a completely different method. Due to the sudden surge in Bitcoin price last year other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Monero have also gained value but then with fame comes haters and this time the IT security researchers at RiskIQ […]

StalinLocker ransomware: Put unlock code or say goodbye to your data

StalinLocker ransomware gives victim ten minutes to put the code or watch their data being completely erased – There are no ransom demands. Researchers have discovered a new ransomware that pays tribute to Joseph Stalin, the controversial leader of the Soviet Union in the 1940s and 1950s.  Dubbed “StalinLocker,” the malware infects targeted devices and gives […]

Ransomware Attack Wipes Out Police and Fire Department Data

The city of Riverside’s Police and Fire department has been hit by a ransomware attack once again – This means the department has come under cyber attack for the second time in the last few weeks. Previously, the same department was under ransomware attack on April 23rd, 2018, in which unknown hackers compromised its computer […]

Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Spreads Through FB Messenger

FacexWorm, a malware that has spread through the Facebook messenger, has impacted cryptocurrency trading platforms and web-wallets. FacexWorm, which spread via the Facebook messenger in April, was first discovered by a Kaspersky Labs engineer in August 2017. The notable thing about this malware is that there is no efficient antidote for it. It’s reportedly a […]

7 Malicious Chrome Extensions Infected 100,000+ Users, Mined $1000 Cryptocoins

We have seen many examples where malicious chrome extensions are used to target users and steal their information. Last month, the Facexworm malware campaign was reported by TrendMicro whose working was similar to Digimine. Now, the security firm Radware has disclosed a group of 7 Chrome extensions hiding the malware Nigelthorn that were living on […]

PyRoMine malware disables security & mines Monero using NSA exploits

The IT security researchers at Fortinet have discovered a dangerous new malware that not only mines Monero cryptocurrency but also disables security features on the targeted Windows system – All this while it uses NSA’s (National Security Agency) exploits. EternalBlue and EternalRomance exploits? For those not aware of these exploits, in 2016-17, a group of hackers going […]

Roaming Mantis uses DNS hijacking to infect Android smartphones

In March 2018, Japanese media reported the hijacking of DNS settings on routers located in Japan, redirecting users to malicious IP addresses. The redirection led to the installation of Trojanized applications named facebook.apk and chrome.apk that contained Android Trojan-Banker. According to our telemetry data, this malware was detected more than 6,000 times, though the reports came from just 150 […]

SquirtDanger malware steal passwords & take screenshots of user activity

SquirtDanger is Capable of Draining Crypto-wallets, Killing Process, Stealing Passwords from Web Browser and Taking Screenshots. In a new research report published on April 17, Palo Alto’s Unit 42 researchers revealed that there is a freshly identified strain of malware that takes screenshots, download files, steals passwords as well as drains cryptocurrency wallets. The botnet […]

Germany’s Deutsche Bank transfers €28 billion to an account by mistake

A couple of years ago, a massive bank heist was busted by Deutsche Bank in which hackers stole $1 billion from another bank. But now, German banking financial giant Deutsche Bank has made a blunder by “mistakenly transferring a whopping €28 billion ($34 billion) to one of its clients. [squaread][/squaread] The money went to a bank account at the […]

Stresspaint Malware Steals Facebook Credentials and Session Cookies

Information security researchers have spotted a new information stealer that collects Chrome login data from infected victims, along with session cookies, and appears to be looking for Facebook details in particular, according to a Radware threat alert the company shared with this reporter. The new trojan, named Stresspaint, has been found hidden inside a free […]

Security Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

There are many threats in the world, meaning business owners, as well as homeowners, have to be vigilant in their security systems and keeping their sensitive data secure. Threats of malware and break-ins are serious and ever-growing, and in 2017 we saw multiple high-profile and extreme attacks. Therefore, people have to be vigilant in their […]

52,000 Dangerous Command & Control Servers Take Down that Spreading Malware: It Performs 2M Malicious Redirects a Day

Around 52,000 Malicious Command & Control Severs has been taken down that continuously spreading Malware under well-documented infection chain called EITest. EITest is a Sophisticated Malware infection chain that basically redirects users from a compromised website into exploit kit (EK) landing pages, social engineering schemes, and potential threats. Its one of the oldest & largest […]