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Roaming Mantis uses DNS hijacking to infect Android smartphones

In March 2018, Japanese media reported the hijacking of DNS settings on routers located in Japan, redirecting users to malicious IP addresses. The redirection led to the installation of Trojanized applications named facebook.apk and chrome.apk that contained Android Trojan-Banker. According to our telemetry data, this malware was detected more than 6,000 times, though the reports came from just 150 […]

SquirtDanger malware steal passwords & take screenshots of user activity

SquirtDanger is Capable of Draining Crypto-wallets, Killing Process, Stealing Passwords from Web Browser and Taking Screenshots. In a new research report published on April 17, Palo Alto’s Unit 42 researchers revealed that there is a freshly identified strain of malware that takes screenshots, download files, steals passwords as well as drains cryptocurrency wallets. The botnet […]

Germany’s Deutsche Bank transfers €28 billion to an account by mistake

A couple of years ago, a massive bank heist was busted by Deutsche Bank in which hackers stole $1 billion from another bank. But now, German banking financial giant Deutsche Bank has made a blunder by “mistakenly transferring a whopping €28 billion ($34 billion) to one of its clients. [squaread][/squaread] The money went to a bank account at the […]

Stresspaint Malware Steals Facebook Credentials and Session Cookies

Information security researchers have spotted a new information stealer that collects Chrome login data from infected victims, along with session cookies, and appears to be looking for Facebook details in particular, according to a Radware threat alert the company shared with this reporter. The new trojan, named Stresspaint, has been found hidden inside a free […]

Security Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

There are many threats in the world, meaning business owners, as well as homeowners, have to be vigilant in their security systems and keeping their sensitive data secure. Threats of malware and break-ins are serious and ever-growing, and in 2017 we saw multiple high-profile and extreme attacks. Therefore, people have to be vigilant in their […]

52,000 Dangerous Command & Control Servers Take Down that Spreading Malware: It Performs 2M Malicious Redirects a Day

Around 52,000 Malicious Command & Control Severs has been taken down that continuously spreading Malware under well-documented infection chain called EITest. EITest is a Sophisticated Malware infection chain that basically redirects users from a compromised website into exploit kit (EK) landing pages, social engineering schemes, and potential threats. Its one of the oldest & largest […]

Microsoft Outlook bug expose Windows credentials to hackers

The bug would allow attackers to steal Windows credentials literally without any difficulty. A critical Outlook bug that was identified over a year back has been fixed by Microsoft now. It was found to be capable of leaking password hashes when a user previews an RTF (rich text format) email containing remotely hosted OLE objects. […]

New ransomware locks files & asks victims to play PUBG game

Another day, another ransomware scam but this one is harmless since all you need is to play PUBG game to get your files back. Usually, a ransomware attack is all about locking victims files for ransom. There have been countless encounters where cybercriminals have taken over systems and demand heavy ransom in Bitcoin cryptocurrency. But the […]

Fake software update carries users to get hit by malware

Cyber-criminals used compromised websites to distribute malware under the guise of updates to popular applications, including Adobe Flash, Chrome and FireFox. Information security training researchers find out that in several cases, the legitimate remote access tool (RAT) of NetSupport Manager was distributed through updates. NetSupport Manager is a legitimate, commercially available tool used by administrators to remotely […]

Students fell prey to phishing attacks conducted by their universities

Universities Educating Students on Cybersecurity by Simulating Fake Phishing Attacks. We have so far heard about corporate sector encouraging phishing awareness through self-devised, employee-focused phish attacks. However, for the first time, a university has used this strategy to create awareness among students regarding phishing attacks. Reportedly, thousands of students were targeted with phishing attacks by […]

macOS malware hit devices with malicious macros

The perception about Apple devices is that they are protected from attacks by default which is not true. Information security training researchers at Trend Micro have discovered a new malware which they believe is associated with OceanLotus also known as SeaLotus, Cobalt Kitty, APT 32, and APT-C-00. OceanLotus group is well known for targeting maritime construction firms, […]

Rarog Cryptomining Trojan Connecting to 161 Different Command and Control (C2) Servers & Compromise 166,000 Victims

Newly discovered Rarog Cryptomining Trojan Mining Monero cryptocurrency and infected around 166,000 victims around the world that keep spreading by using various methods. Rarog Trojan sold on the various underground forum since June 2017 and countless cybercriminals were used to compromise many victims. Its primary target is to mine monero cryptocurrency but it also capable […]

Advanced Android Malware Steal Users Facebook, Twitter, Telegram,Skype Messenger Data

A Newly discovered  Android Trojan with Hidden Malicious code compromise Android Phone and steal sensitive information from victims well-known chat Messengers. Andriod Malware is kept increasing and targeting victims around the world using many advanced functionalities. This Trojan distributing as and the method of distribution via a malicious app called Cloud Module in China. This Malware is designed to […]

New Android Malware Stealing Data from Popular Messenger Apps

Almost all Instant Messaging Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Line, and Viber Targeted by the malware. Researchers at cyber-security firm Trustlook Labs have identified new Android Trojan that is stealing data from all mainstream instant messaging apps for mobile. The list of targeted apps is available below: Twitter Skype Viber Weibo Line Coco BeeTalk Tencent […]

Android Trojan Steals Data From Messenger Apps Like Facebook, Skype, Twitter

A new Android Trojan could be stealing your data through mobile instant messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Skype and other IM clients. This malware was detected by security researchers from Trustlook, a cyber-security firm. A report published on Monday describes the new trojan as a simple one with few abilities. After infecting the […]

Hackers Distributing Variety of New Exploits and Malware via Microsoft Office Document Exploit Kit

Newly discovered Microsoft office document exploit kit contains a variety of recent exploits and Malware such as Lokibot, Formbook and tracking kit called such as ThreadKit targeting various organization and individuals around the world. These Exploits kits are available in restricted underground crime forums and the cybercriminals are selling them at a different price. They are used […]

Boeing production plant hit by malware, apparently WannaCry ransomware

The world’s largest aerospace company Boeing has been hit by a malware attack and reportedly it led to the infection of infamous WannaCry ransomware. According to Seattle Times, who broke the news, the impacted department belonged to Boeing’s 777 airliners production plant in North Charleston, S.C. facility. Although Seattle Times is certain that the malware attack caused […]

Fauxpersky Keylogger Malware Stealing Passwords from Windows PCs

Cybercriminals are quite innovative, to be honest; they are always coming up with unique ways of exploiting Windows-based systems. According to the findings of Boston-based cyber-security firm Cybereason, one of their newly identified techniques involves using keylogger malware that exploits AutoIT or AutoHotKey (AHK). Fauxpersky Malware Spreads via malicious USB drives The malware, dubbed by […]

Hackers spread malware from the YouTube comment section

There is another malware aiming at Windows devices. This time, the malware is spread from YouTube. The information security training researchers at Russian anti-virus vendor Dr. Web have discovered a dangerous malware campaign being spread by cybercriminals from YouTube. Labeled as Trojan.PWS.Stealer.23012 by the researchers, the malware is written in Python programming language and aims at targeting […]

Sanny, the info-stealer campaign targets government agencies with malware

A new spear phishing campaign targeting government agencies with an evolved version of Sanny malware, an old information-stealer that now features a multi-stage infection process, whereby each stage is downloaded from the attacker’s server, information security training researchers discovered this month. The new additions to Sanny, which is believed to originate from the Korean Peninsula, include command […]

Hackers spread password stealer malware from YouTube comment section

Another day, another malware aiming at Windows devices – This time, the malware is spread from YouTube. The IT security researchers at Russian anti-virus vendor Dr. Web have discovered a dangerous malware campaign being spread by cybercriminals from YouTube, a popular video-sharing website owned by Google. Dubbed Trojan.PWS.Stealer.23012 by researchers, the malware is written in Python […]